Church and Society

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“Learn to do good;
seek justice, rescue the oppressed,
defend the orphan, plead for the widow.”
Isaiah 1:17

Church and Society supports and enables the United Reformed Church to live out the gospel in society, by challenging injustice and working for peace. It is part of the United Reformed Church's Mission Team and the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT), an ecumenical partnership of the United Reformed Church, the Methodist Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain, with associate partner the Church of Scotland. We:

  • help the Church to speak and act prophetically on key issues of justice and peace facing society

  • provide resources, campaigns and events that help people to make the links between faith, politics and social action, and respond appropriately.

Church & Society news (updated 13 September 2021)

  • Climate Justice Relay to COP26: 
    The Young Christian Climate Network has embarked on an ambitious relay across the UK to raise the message of climate justice ahead of COP26. People are being asked to support the relay in a number of ways: make paper boats, arrange a meet and greet for pilgrims, plan a tributary walk and much more. Find out how you can get involved at

  • Eco Church Gold Award:Eco-Church_Gold_Award_Bungay.jpg
    Congratulations to Emmanuel Church, Bungay for being the second URC congregation to receive an Eco Church gold award, and 21st congregation of any denomination in England and Wales. To gain the award, Emmanuel had to demonstrate efforts to care for creation through their worship and teaching, buildings and land management, community and global engagement and their lifestyle. To find out how to register your church and begin your eco church journey, visit Eco Church (in England and Wales) or Eco-Congregation Scotland.

  • Free Season of Creation resources:Season_of_Creation_logo_text_copy.jpg
    The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) and Eco-Congregation Scotland have co-produced a variety of resources for the Season of Creation. Each year, from 1 September to 4 October, churches are encouraged to have a focus on the season – also known as Creationtide or Creation Time – with all the joys and responsibilities that being part of God’s creation brings to us. We have brought together writers, theologians, ministers and worship leaders to prepare these resources, which can easily integrate into a Season of Creation in-person, online or hybrid meeting. You can download these materials for free from our resource pages

  • Stand together with refugees:
    JPIT is gathering a group of local campaigners who are interested in taking action on the Nationality and Borders Bill, which threatens to change the way that refugees and asylum seekers are treated in the UK. JPIT hopes to hold a webinar on the subject in September. You can find out more on at

Six Hopes for Society

See the JPIT website or click the links below for information about the team's current priorities and latest resources.

Resources and staying in touch

If you’re looking for documents specifically related to the URC’s Church and Society work, visit our resources page.

You can stay in touch with our work by signing up to receive our monthly newsletter and following Church and Society on Twitter at @URCCAS for daily inspiration and useful links.

If you would like someone to speak on an issue at a meeting you are organising, or if you have stories to share, please contact us.

You can meet the team here.

Fellowship of Reconciliation (formerly URC Peace Fellowship)

In March 2020, the URC Peace Fellowship became part of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Visit the Fellowship of Reconciliation website for information and resources. 

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