Young Adults 18-25 years

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18 to 25: the final years of transition, maturing character, beliefs and world view to take your place in the world as an independent adult. It may be a time of major change – university or college for some, work for others, blossoming relationships, possibly even marriage or parenthood. It may be a time of independent living, and for many this will be a time when you move away from the church of your childhood. 

Youth Assembly 2018

    Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers—why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother’s milk! ..... Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

(2 Timothy 3:14-17 The Message) 


You have a lot to give to God through the church and in society, through your energy and enthusiasm, your willingness to embrace change and challenge boundaries.

The church, too, has a lot to offer you in leadership, responsibilities, and ways to develop your discipleship. You may want to explore your faith deeper or get involved in social justice issues.  

Keep your eye on our events and opportunities page where you can find out about our latest offers of internships, festivals, events, conferences and vacancies for URC Youth roles, all of which are open to you if you are associated with the United Reformed Church. 

URC Youth

URC Youth is the umbrella title for all those young people and adults who are connected with the URC and fall into the 11 to 25 age bracket. 

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“Our mission is to discover God, help each other grow in the Christian faith and, through our lives, reflect God’s love to all.” 

Youth Assembly 

Each year, the URC Youth Assembly brings together young people from across Scotland, England and Wales  to fun, faith and fellowship.

It also explores issues and topics relevant to Church, society and life through talk, workshops, discussions and creative activity.

Youth Assembly 2022, is being held from 28 to 30 January 2022 at Whitemoor Lakes in Alrewas, Staffordshire, a fantastic venue for which we have sole use.

Youth Executive


Youth Exec is a team of young people made up of representatives from each regional synod and a few specific roles elected at Youth Assembly.

They  represent the needs, views and interests of all URC youth, acting as the voice of young people across England, Scotland and Wales within the United Reformed Church. They also plan and run Youth Assembly.

Find out more about the Youth Executive

Check out the URC Youth Facebook group

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The URC Youth Assembly Moderators are elected by your representatives at Youth Assembly.The current Youth Assembly Moderator is Reuben Watt and the Youth Assembly Moderator Elect is Jo Harris 

Children and Youth Friendly Church


If you are a young person or the family of a young person aged 11-18 and you are looking for a church to get involved with, it can be very difficult to be sure which ones will be more suitable for your needs. This is one reason why we have updated our old Child Friendly Church Award to become the Children and Youth Friendly Church Scheme. 

A church which has this award has been able to demonstrate that that they are doing everything in their power to cater for the needs of parents, carers, children and young people in their context. While this is no guarantee that the church will be just perfect for teenagers, it is a good indicator that they are thinking in a more intergenerational way.

Talk to the Children's and Youth Work office or your local synod representative to find out which churches near you are involved in the scheme or simply look out for the plaque on the wall!  


Trialogue is our regular broadcast aimed primarily at the 16 to 25 age group but probably interesting to people on both sides of that demographic. A host invites three people to talk around a theme, generally themes suggested by members of URC Youth or other listeners/viewers and always themes of current interest. The discussion is linked with a Bible reading and viewers who watch the event live are able to contribute their own comments and questions in real time. The material remains on our YouTube channel so can be accessed after the event and is also released as a podcast on all the regular podcasting platforms. Why not visit our Trialogue Facebook page to find out more? 

Our URC Young Adults speak out about Eco-Church 

 Eco church


Some good resources...


This section, which is still being developed, is where you will find resources, links, recommended reading and other suggestions to help you grow in your Christian journey as 18 to 25 year olds as well as resources for workers, chaplains and volunteers supporting the young adult age group. 

Please let us know if you have suggestions of resources etc which we might include here or if there are other things which would be useful to you. Email us or contact us via our Facebook page. 


Our Latest Suggestion:






The Journey

PDF catalogue of recommended resources: 

Here is a PDF of some recommended books and websites organised into several categories to help you find exactly what you need.

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