Prayers for the Season of Preparation

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Activities within ‘Walking the Way: Living the life of Jesus today’ begin in earnest at Advent 2017, when a wealth of resources will be available to you.

In Autumn 2017 we’re asking United Reformed Church members and friends to commit to prayer as a way of growing in discipleship and supporting those who seek to live out their discipleship in every part of their life. 

Each synod has provided prayers to take us reflectively through this season, each for a specific date and with a clear theme. Down the right side of this page, you see the full list of prayer dates and themes, with prayer material arriving steadily through the season. You are welcome to use the prayers:

  • personally
  • at gatherings in your churches
  • in acts of worship in your church and in your community
  • in school assemblies
  • on local radio
  • elsewhere as appropriate


If you would like to use the text of these prayers in other documents, please click here.

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