Walking the Way Films

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The URC Holy Habits short films

Directed by Kevin Snyman, Mission Enabler in the URC's West Midlands Synod, these short films offer a brief glimpse into some of the ways which the ten habits from Andrew Roberts' book are lived out wihtin the URC. Released at a rate of one per month through late 2017 into early 2018, you can view the series, as the videos become available, on YouTube (click the three lines in the top left hand corner of the video to view a list of the others):

 Or contact us if you need a copy of any of the films.


Voices to hear

This selection of vox pop interviews poses two questions: ‘What would you expect to see in the life of someone who says they are a Christian?’ and ‘What do you think churches are for?’ We see a variety of people expressing very different views and expectations. The video can help local discussions on wide-ranging topics, such as the nature of welcome, behaviour, and spirituality.

It can be used in many ways, including:

  • small groups who are looking quite specifically about focus for Walking the Way
  • church meetings to consider how to take the next steps as a group
  • worship, perhaps in discussion as well as in prayers.

Click here to download the film.

© The United Reformed Church. This films may be used freely in church gatherings, including in small groups and whole congregations.  The use of any of the film for commercial gain and/or for use outside a local church is prohibited without written permission.  For such permissions please email communications.pa@urc.org.uk


Walking with Trippy

This light-hearted cartoon was produced early in Walking the Way's life as an introduction to the emphasis on living the life of Jesus today for those of us who perhaps haven't considered the presence of God in the whole of life before. Its humour may not be suitable for all settings, but its message is clearly about God's call to absolutely everyone, in all times, situations and places, to Walk the Way of Jesus together.

Click here to download the film.

© The United Reformed Church. This films may be used freely in church gatherings, including in small groups and whole congregations.  The use of any of the film for commercial gain and/or for use outside a local church is prohibited without written permission.  For such permissions please email communications.pa@urc.org.uk

Walking the Way Living the life of Jesus today

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