Any other business?

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2020 01 20When the chair of the board meeting asked if anyone had any other business, he certainly didn’t expect Tracy Buckby, a member of Wade Street Church in Lichfield, to reply as she did.

Plucking up her courage Tracy said: ‘Well, yes, actually. I’d like you to know that I am a Christian and a big part of that for me is prayer. So I’d like to put a prayer box in the office for people to put their requests in.’

Tracy went on to explain that it wasn’t going to be a ‘Bruce Almighty Prayer Box’ (where everything got the answer ‘yes’) nor was she claiming that her prayers were any better than anyone else’s, but she would like to offer the facility if anyone wanted to take it up.

The mood around the table was one of surprised interest, with many saying what a nice thing it was Tracy was offering. The meeting ended with a buzz of conversation about the potential of prayer and the arrival of the box.

The first day the box arrived in the office, someone kept asking Tracy whether she had looked in it yet? She had planned to open the box every Friday, but under the persistent enquiries she looked and found a quite moving first request.

Soon after, another colleague was declaring that ‘this prayer box works: you have probably not looked at it yet, but my prayer has been answered already!’ This new evangelist spread word all around the team and then Tracy was getting email requests and engaging in conversations in which she was able to offer to pray for the other person – an opportunity offered because of the mood set by the prayer box.

Is there something you could do in your workplace to demonstrate the love of Jesus practically amongst colleagues? Talking Jesus played a big role in encouraging Tracey in taking this important step along the Way. It could help you too.

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