Young disciples walk the way online

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OnlinechurchOne of the most frequent questions asked at Team Peter’s House, a project and home to four young people from different parts of the world, currently Germany and Hungary, who carry out voluntary service with the Hull Area Team Ministry, is ‘when will we pray?’

Marvin-Berfo Günyel, one of the current volunteers, shares a little of what it’s like to be a part of this exciting, missional community.

We are the second generation of volunteers helping with pretty much everything that goes on in the (URC?) churches in Hull. Some of what we do involves meeting, speaking with and supporting people during services, such as hosting coffee mornings, concerts and film evenings, leading Scouts and Girls Brigade or looking after children at our popular toddler groups.

A lot of our work is about building connections, relationships, socialising and communicating with people in person and through social media.

We create new ideas for events and projects, like our version of the TV programme Bake-Off and the development of ‘Tenfoot Church’, a social media platform for Christians which we launched in December 2018.

All of this plays into our main commitment as volunteers: spending time with God. We do this daily through our active presence in the churches to bring people closer together, bring new people in and put smiles on people’s faces. We also do this through Peter’s House, because as well as being our home, it is a place to worship and internalise theology; like through our weekly Bible study and Christian meditation which we share in our common room.’

Living and working at Peter’s House is incredibly enriching. We have this anchor of daily worship, and our four congregations are eager to support us on our faith journeys.

How might your church further empower young people in using their gifts and talents to build God’s Kingdom? Could your church offer a mission project or experience for young people in your community? Contact us to find out more.

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