‘Follow me.’ Really Jesus?!

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fusionSharon Matthews from the ‘Fusion’ project in Tonge Moor tells us how much the words ‘Follow me’ have meant to her in her discipleship journey.

When I learned that, in Mark’s gospel, the first words that we hear Jesus speaking are ‘Follow me’, that got me thinking about the times when we need to go somewhere and we say ‘I don’t know exactly where I’m going or how to go there, so I could do with some direction from someone to help me’. It made me start to think about my journey so far and what my interpretation of Jesus’ words, ‘Follow me’ have meant to me. I thought about all the people whom God has put in my path, whom I followed when I didn’t know which way to go, and even moments when I have been able to say to others, ‘Follow me’.

At the start, I didn’t go to church and, to be honest, didn’t really know God, but I must have had a small belief because I would say a prayer at bedtime. That was the only time, though, and I suppose they were half hearted really, with no real feeling. One day, I had a strong feeling that I wanted to go to church. I didn’t know where to start. I would walk past churches and think ‘shall I go in that one or that one’, but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even know anyone who went to church! But this feeling would not go away.

I started to do some voluntary work and met someone I hadn’t seen for years who was looking for help. Some days later, we got talking about life and she spoke about what a difficult time she had been through, growing up suffering abuse and being moved between different foster placements. When I said to her, ‘You’ve been through so much, what gives you strength?’ she said, ‘God.’

Tracy was attending church and asked me if I would like to go along with her, so I went, but found it wasn’t really for me. Other friends came along and encouraged me to try different things, so I went to a range of churches with different worship styles, activities and feels, which my friends introduced to me, eventually settling on one in which I felt at home and able to grow as a disciple.

It is especially important for me to be part of a church where the worship and learning style helps people to read and understand the Word of God in the Bible. I would watch everyone in the church and really liked how the congregation made me feel really welcome. There was one person in particular who stood out, who was so efficient in her work for the church. There was a real sense of her obedience and service to God. I had so much admiration for the way she was, and I thought I want to be like that.

In time, I started to get more involved in church life. I told a friend about it, and she did too!

A church leader showed great faith in me and asked if I’d be interested in developing what has now become a thriving Community Hub, called ‘Fusion’, which has allowed me to share God’s love and presence with lots of others, some of whom now attend church and are part of a loving church family.

God put people in my path when I was on my journey and didn’t know where I was going who said ‘Come on, follow me,’ and, in turn, has used me to say to others ‘follow me’.

Following Christ will not always be an easy journey, but we need to continue to have faith and trust in God and know that he will always put people in our path to help with that journey when we are not sure which way to go.

What opportunities do you have to share God’s love and presence with those around you? How could you use your gifts and talents to help others see God at work in the world? Let us know.

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