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Walking the Way News

Charlton rAndrew and Sally Willet, ministers of Charlton URC, explore how, curiously, the church has grown stronger through the Covid 19 crisis:

Moving from physical gatherings to online meetings has its challenges, but, overall, we have seen more people join us than when we met before. Almost all of our members have mastered the technology, even the 90 year olds. One in particular spent a whole day figuring out how to use Zoom, and hasn’t missed a meeting since!

Read more: Charlton stronger through Covid crisis

Thamesmead rAndrew and Sally Willett, ministers of West Thamesmead Community Church, explain how the current crisis is affecting the congregation and the community around it:

The devastating effect of Covid 19 has had serious effects our corner of South East London. Many people here are already reliant on foodbanks, not eligible for benefits, often living in cramped tower blocks. For them, lockdown has been especially difficult. Some of our congregation have not ventured outside since before lockdown, fearful of infection in over-crowded outdoor spaces. Others working in the care sector are still risking their lives daily, without adequate PPE. In these strange times, any glimpse of life and hope we can get is crucial for residents in estates like Thamesmead.

Read more: Glimpses of light for Thamesmead

New Zealand rEarlier this year, Simon Peters, project manager for Walking the Way, reported on a visit to the New Zealand Area of Derby. Vicky Longbone, Church Related Community Worker, explains how things have changed since lockdown began:

Here in Derby, some amazing work is being done! So many people are helping each other, with organisations, both statutory and charities, working more closely together to make a real difference to the most vulnerable across the city. The Derby A2C (Ashbourne Road to Central URC) Churches in Community project, which I help to lead, is involved in a lot of this work, enabling people to help each other, and themselves.

There are three particular pieces of work going on, expanding on previous projects that we’ve been involved in. Our little seeds are growing…

Read more: Our small seeds are growing…

tolworthWith social distancing continuing, Heather Lodge, a member of Tolworth URC, explains how this south London congregation has been holding the community together in supporting the most vulnerable in these strange times:

It is sad to see the church doors closed during this pandemic crisis. The building looks so lifeless.

So, at Tolworth URC, we decided, early on, to link up with our local foodbank to deliver food packages to shielded persons and families, at the time when the crisis first hit, and the government was looking for ways of supporting people who are locked in.

Read more: #AloneTogether in Tolworth

Field r‘Buy my field at Anathoth, because as nearest relative it is your right and duty to buy it.’ Jeremiah 32:7

Dave Fraser, one of the Missional Discipleship Mentors serving in North Western Synod, shares inspiration from Jeremiah in a time of isolation:

Over the last few weeks we all have been trying to come to terms with being church at this most difficult of times. We have all discovered new and different ways of leading worship and offering pastoral care to church members. It’s taken a great deal of effort, but Holy Week was remembered and celebrated with joy.

As we have overcome the numerous obstacles that the first three weeks of church building lockdown has presented to us, we now have to discover new ways of carrying on the Jesus-shaped mission we are tasked with.

From the Bible, I am reminded of Jeremiah in prison. He was having a tough time, locked up, hungry, isolated, and yet God invited him to bring a word of hope to others who were also fearful and afraid.

Read more: Feeling isolated? Buy a field!

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