Walking the Way resources

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Visit here regularly for resources to encourage and enhance discipleship exploration with individuals, local churches and communities.


Covid 19 resource - a resource to help us continue being the people of God in a time of isolation and lockdown.


New Reality, Same Mission - Questions and resources to help individuals and local congregations consider what it means to participate in the mission of God in a post-Covid world. Produced by member sof the URC's Mission and Discipleship teams to complement the Emerging into the "New Normal" document from the URC's Synod Moderators.


Building Disciples Online - During the Covid-19 crisis, especially in lockdown, it has been very encouraging to see local churches engage in worship and fellowship online. However, what about discipleship? How can we ensure that our interactions online are helping us to live out our faith in everyday life? Here are some resources to help.


Steering Group resources - official resources, including seasonal materials, which the Walking the Way steering group has produced or promotes to help you spread the word about Walking the Way and empower people in living the life of Jesus today.


Synod/local church resources - resources which have been produced or promoted by synods and local churches which may be of use in promoting whole-of-life discipleship.


Pray the Way - a website dedicated to prayer for Walking the Way, offered by the URC Group for Evangelism and Renewal (GEAR).


Resource Map - a tool to help you find the discipleship resources you need.

Walking the Way Living the life of Jesus today

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