Weoley Castle, Birmingham

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CRCW – Mark TubbyMarkTubby April2014 Web

Weoley Castle Community Church wants to build on their long history of commitment to community ministry. They seek to connect with the lives of people in their community in worship by holding mid-week services and a monthly alternative worship service and helping to organise community events for Christian festivals, such as ‘Carols on the Square’ with local school children.  

CRCW Mark Tubby has started several initiatives, including Messy Church, a Junior Youth Club, Weoley Castle Youth Forum, an enhanced Church Newsletter, with a CRCW emphasis, and has been successful in raising funds for several youth and intergenerational projects. He has joined the Youth & Children’s Work committee and the Training committee for the Synod and has also responded to requests to advertise the importance of the CRCW role at other Churches and meetings. 

Looking forward to the second term: Messy Church: this was set up by Mark, and is now running successfully twice a term; it is attended by local young families who might otherwise never attend a religious activity. It has a collective leadership, including Mark, other Church Members, and local Christians from other Churches. 

Residents Action Group / Community Association: The major new development that committee and Mark see for the coming years is to create a means for the local community to develop a voice and a common identity. Mark has been investigating the possibility of re-invigorating Neighbourhood Watch schemes, and linking them into Street Associations. It is intended that this can provide a motivation for people to work together for both security and enjoyment. To develop and transform the community spirit requires a great deal of liaison, involving schools, local shops, the Weoley castle library, police, local councillors, Age UK, local Churches etc.

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