Vocations Sunday 2017

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All are called… some are called to…


This resource has been written by some of the students and a member of the teaching staff of Westminster College www.westminster.cam.ac.uk

Vocations Sunday is normally marked on the 4th Sunday of Easter.  In 2017 this is 7 May.
There are plenty of worship resources available on the internet provided by other denominations.
We have chosen a quote from the United Reformed Church’s Basis of Union: 'All are called… some are called to' as our theme, to give our material a distinctively URC feel. It acknowledges that we are all called to serve God in the world and recognises that there are a variety of different ministries. At the same time, some people may also be called to specific ministries within the Church: as Ministers of Word and Sacraments, as Church Related Community Workers and as Elders.

We hope that it is helpful to you as you plan worship for Vocations Sunday.

Stephen Ansa-Addo, Jacob Bali, Helen Garton, Tessa Henry-Robinson, Julie Kirby, Alison Smith and The Revd Dr Yak-Hwee Tan


  • Acts 2:42-47
  • Psalm 23
  • 1 Peter 2:19-25
  • John 10:1-10

The Materials

Bible Notes
Sermon Ideas
About Sheep
Prayers, Call to Worship and Blessing
All-age talks / Symbolic actions  (includes suggestion for using the Wordsearch)
Hymn Suggestions

Links to other worship resources


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