Logo – URC

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The URC logo available for download from this page is the official logo of the United Reformed Church. We encourage its use by all United Reformed churches, local ecumenical partnerships involving the URC and any partner or associated organisations – all are permitted to use this logo on their online and print material, noting that it must be used in line with the guidelines as detailed in these Guidelines for the use of the URC logo which we recommend you read. 

View and download the URC 50th Anniversary logo here.

A4 blue URC Logo RGB with URL

The URC logo is currently available for download in the following colour ways: 

  • blue fish with black cross
  • greyscale fish with black cross 
  • White throughout
  • All the above but with attached URL: www.urc.org.uk (please use this version wherever possible).

a)            greyscale fish with black cross                  


URC LOGO greyscale





URC LOGO blueb)            blue fish with black cross                                                                       





Formats available

PNG version – specifically used for web/screen/email, smallest file size – low quality.

With URL:

Without URL:

JPG print version – mainly for print - CMYK (but also if required as a larger size for screen/web – for higher quality use RGB version)

With URL:

Without URL:

Illustrator CS6 (ai) vector version – this version can be used by most designers, printers and sign makers.
Often preferred if the logo needs to be enlarged for posters and banners (EPS versions and high resolution large JPGs, for outdoor signage, will be produced after General Assembly). Please contact graphics@urc.org.uk if the version you require is not in the list below.

Guidelines for use

We are keen for logo to be used as widely as possible to promote the URC and the URC community. However, derivative versions of the URC logo are generally prohibited, as they dilute the URC’s brand identity. For example the URC logo should be used in its entirety and not broken into elements – the words and the cross & fish symbol may not be used separately. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at graphics@urc.org.uk.  For more information on how and when it may be used please refer to the Guidelines for the use of the URC logo. 

The URC logo is copyrighted to the United Reformed Church © 2016.  The URC takes seriously its responsibility for defending our logo against any damaging or confusing uses. 

urc cross template


In addition to the above logos we have developed the version below for church use. Available in a variety of formats:

1) the URC cross as a jpg 4:3 with images and a jpg 16:9 with images already added, formatted so that you may add this to a PowerPoint presentationIn addition to the above logos we have developed the version below for church use. Available in a variety of formats:

2) as a jpg with images already added, for use for example on a poster

3) also available upon request from graphics@urc.org.uk is a Photoshop PSD template. You may add your own images in the background to this file (note you will need Adobe Photoshop software to add the images or you may take this to a local printer/designer to do this for you).


The following logos have been requested by local URCs and we share them here in case you would like to use them too.

rainbow logo RGB

Rainbow logo

red URC logo RGB


green URC logo RGB


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