Each synod has one or more named officers responsible for elements of adult education and learning. They have a variety of titles including Synod Training Officer, Development Officer or Education and Learning Officer. Some synods employ one person to cover all the elements, whilst in others the work is shared between members of a team of people. T/DOs liaise with synod Children and Youth Development Officers and Mission Enablers wherever possible.
Having overall responsibility for the management of all congregational training, lay ministry training and continuing ministerial education, they:
- plan and conduct learning events, including special topic events and Synod Schools
- support individuals to make learning decisions based on need arising from the context of their place of ministry
- arrange whatever funding for learning is agreed at Synod and by Assembly Committees
- support specific lay and ordained ministries including Elders and Interim Moderators
- support the arrangement of any supervision for specific ministries
- support training for congregations
- work with other synod staff for synod development
A collegial group of people, synod T/DOs meet three times a year to share good practice and to contribute to strategic planning of adult education and learning throughout the whole of the United Reformed Church.
1 Northern
Education and Learning officer - vacant
2 North Western
Education and Learning officer - vacant
3 Mersey
Training officer Ms Sandra Wellington
4 Yorkshire
Development officer - vacant
5 East Midlands
Training and development officer Mr Derek Graham
6 West Midlands
Education and Learning officer (Ministries) The Revd Stuart Scott
7 Eastern
Mission and Training officer Lindsey Brown
8 South Western
Various officers and teams: contact the Synod Clerk
9 Wessex
Development and Support officer (South) The Revd Mary Thomas
Development and Support officer (North) The Revd Ray Stanyon
10 Thames North
Training officer - acting: The Revd John Campbell
11 Southern
Development officer for Education and Learning The Revd Andy Twilley
12 Wales
Training and Development officer The Revd Jason Askew
13 Scotland
Training officer The Revd John McNeil Scott