URC Spirituality, formerly called the URC Retreat Group, seeks to draw together and nurture people in the United Reformed Church who are interested in silent or contemplative prayer, retreats, quiet days and spiritual direction. It encourages people’s explorations both in Reformed and ecumenical contexts.
Statement of Purpose
This Statement of Purpose of URC Spirituality was adopted at the meeting of Core Group and Synod Links at the Windermere Centre, April 2010:
Why: URC Spirituality exists to encourage people, individually and corporately, to use silence, stillness, awareness, contemplation, listening and other similar means in the deepening of their relationship with God, so that they may be nourished and renewed to share and make known God’s love in a world that is lost without God.
What: URC Spirituality recognises the vital need to raise awareness of the value of retreats and spirituality including:
- silence
- retreats
- spiritual direction
- engagement with the Bible
- quiet days
- prayer fellowships
- weeks of guided prayer
- retreats in daily life
How: We will do this in ways which will include:
- support for the synod links
- publishing Encounter
- engaging with the institution of the URC, including its theological colleges and centres of learning and training
Interim Steering Group
Ann Barton ann.barton@hotmail.com
Marion Thomas hathaway.bear@btinternet.com
Mark Argent mail@markargent.com.
Synod links
Eastern: Birgit Ewald bewald@tiscali.co.uk
Mersey: Sandra Wellington trainingofficer@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
North Western: Richard Davis revricharddavis@sky.com
Northern: Rachel Poolman rachel.poolman@holyisland-stcuthbert.org
Scotland: Jack Dyce scottishcollege@urcscotland.org.uk
South Western: Sue Henderson sue@suehenderson.co.uk
Southern: John Gordon revjohngordon@btinternet.com
Thames North: Viv Randles vivrandles@btinternet.com
Wessex: Alison Toplas atoplas@hotmail.com
West Midlands: Marion Thomas hathaway.bear@btinternet.com
Yorkshire: Nick Percival revnickp@yahoo.co.uk
Useful links
- URC spirituality resources
- URC Walking the Way
- URC Daily Devotions
- Westminster College
- St Cuthbert’s Centre, Holy Island
- Aston Tirrold Centre for Reflection
- Free to Believe