Seasons - Summer

Here are a number of resources specially suited to summer, but could be used anytime.

Awareness Trails

This document describes Awareness Trails as an opportunity for prayer and reflection in your local context and gives an example from one in Suffolk.

Download awareness trails.pdf
View an on line video to go with this awareness trail here

Football themed Camp

This provides some ideas for those taking part in summer camps who are looking for material with a football theme.

Download football theme for a camp.pdf

Seeking Sanctuary

Some ideas for praying with and for those who have come to Britain to seek sanctuary.

Download seeking sanctuary.pdf
This material can also be found at the EQUIP website where you can explore more about this issue

Just Breathing

Explores the themes of breathing and relaxation in prayer.

Download summer just breathing.pdf

Pathway of peace

This provides some reflective bible based meditations on the theme of ‘walking in God’s ways of peace’ for individual use. It can also be used with small groups.

Download Summer pathway of peace.pdf


Discusses the opportunities for making pilgrimage as part of our faith journey.

Download summer pilgrimage.pdf

Prayer Labyrinth

Explore praying with labyrinths.

Download Summer prayer labyrinth.pdf

Prayers on the move

This material aims to provide some suggestions for praying on the move; places you can go to, people you might meet, situations you can explore, with prayer.

Download Summer prayer on the move.pdf

Prayers for healing

To open up more of ourselves and our situations to the healing presence of God.

Download summer prayers for healing.pdf

A service of healing

This is a service of prayer for healing which can be adapted it to your local situation.

Download Summer service for healing.pdf

Step out of the box

A simple sketch for two people exploring the challenge of stepping away from those things that restrict or burden us.

Download summer step out of the box.pdf