Evangelism Year Email News

Evangelism Year News

Easter Greetings from the V4L Steering Group! This is just a short email to ask you about a couple of things. What did you do for Holy Week and Easter? We set a challenge to V4L participant churches to do something evangelistic for Holy Week and Easter. So did you? We would be glad to hear from you with news, pictures, articles, or just a short email outlining anything evangelistic that you did and also how it went. Feedback at any time would be useful to hear, but if you have anything you can send immediately in readiness for the next Vision4Life Steering Group meeting next Tuesday 10th May, that would be especially good and earn you extra Brownie points!! Please email the V4L co-ordinator Janet Lees on admin@urc.org.uk Summer Activities Do you have any summer evangelistic activities planned? It might be a cream tea or barbecue, a holiday club, or absolutely anything at all. If you have ideas or plans, again please email Janet on the email above and we may well share your idea to encourage other churches and inspire them to do something similar. Email Janet at admin@urc.org.uk Finally as always... Check out the website. More resources are accumulating there all the time and beyond the booklet, Exploring Evangelism. It is the place to go to find more ideas, thinking and resources. Click this link www.urc.org.uk With every blessing The Vision4Life Steering Group You are receiving this email because you have signed up as a church to the Vision4Life process. We hope you will continue to stay on our email list so you can keep in touch with what is going on in Vision4Life. We only email out a few times a year and promise to never reveal your email to a third party outside the United Reformed Church. If you wish to unsubscribe from this email please click the link below or copy and paste it into the address line of your browser. {unsubscription_url} Who are we? The Vision4Life Steering Group is made up of members and ministers of the United Reformed Church who work in a variety of situations from local churches to serving on other URC committees, either in a full time capacity or as volunteers. Some are working in other ministry situations such as chaplaincy, and some are retired. They come from a broad variety of theological backgrounds and traditions. We only have one part time paid employee who works to coordinate the Vision4Life process and all are offering their time to this work alongside other, often very demanding workloads. The materials are produced by a variety of people in different situations. The materials are developed as the process continues and this means that sometimes materials are not available when some churches would like them to be. However we are finding that as God leads us through this exciting process, we are discovering new approaches to prayer, bible study and evangelism which we offer as they become available.