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Spiritual nourishment

Spirituality concerns the very core of our being, who we are, what we believe, our identity, our relationships, including our relationship with God, and how these affect our lives and everything around us. It is something deeply personal, but it is also something which must be shared, not least as it is both shaped by and influencing to others

Maintaining a sense of spiritual direction can help a person deepen their connection with God. Sometimes this can involve retreats and quiet days or one to one work with a Spiritual Director. For others, the community of their local church, the fellowship of friends or reading particular books can help to provide nourishment and guidance. As with many things in the life of the United Reformed Church, there are many different ways of exploring, engaging and growing our spirituality and connecting it with others around us.

The items shared through this page will help you to explore Spirituality in innovative and fresh ways, perhaps encouraging you to try something different in order to develop different aspects of your spirituality or give you an opportunity to consider source of spiritual nourishment which you may not have thought of previously.

Some suggestions to get you started will be posted here soon.

By Mark Argent

WordsI guess that wordiness counts as the Reformed vice. I remember a conversation about sermons between a Catholic Priest and a URC Minister. The Catholic reckoned that his congregation thought a 10 minute sermon ‘very long’ while the Minister said his would see that as very short. More sharply, I’ve known people in the Reformed world talk of the sacramental significance of preaching in a way that Catholic colleagues find surprising. Hence the longer sermons.

A little more sharply, there can be a fair criticism of some worship, that the words ‘let us pray’ are often followed immediately by someone speaking. Where, then, is the space for the prayer, other than in the words of the one speaking?

Read more: Wordiness
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