United Reformed Church's Safeguarding Symposium

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On 9 October 2020, the safeguarding team at the United Reformed Church (URC) launched the safeguarding strategic plan of the Church (2020-2025) at an online symposium.

The event brought together those who oversee and lead safeguarding arrangements in local churches and synods to discuss how the plan will affect the life of the Church and establish best collaborative ways in order to promote the welfare and wellbeing of all individuals with whom the URC comes into contact.

Speakers on the day included the URC General Secretary the Revd Dr John Bradbury, Denominational Safeguarding Adviser Ioannis Athanasiou, Minister and Theologian the Revd Dr Carla Grosch-Miller, and the Safeguarding Coordinator at Flavel Church in Dartmooth Shelley Moss.

Video of the launch

Watch a video of the launch of the safeguarding strategic plan. It includes reflections on how the safeguarding strategy will strength the life of the Church in the next five years, along with presentations by Shelley Moss, Ioannis Athanasiou and the Revd Dr John Bradbury: 

Downloadable presentations from the launch

  • In her presentation, Shelley Moss talks about a three-S approach (people, policy, practice) she undertook to instill an ethos of safeguarding in her local church. Shelley reflects on her important and central role as a safeguarding coordinator to be a catalyst of change in everything URC local churches do for their communities.
    Download the presentation (PPT | 800 KB)

  • Ioannis Athanasiou, the URC's Safeguarding Adviser, presentation provides the context of the Safeguarding Strategic Plan and it six strategic objectives as well as the vision forward paying attention to the opportunities the strategy provides for the whole Church.
    Download the presentation (PPT | 3 MB)

Here are the programme details.

Download visual minutes from the symposium

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