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Retreats and quiet days

The concept of retreat gives a chance to step outside the normal routine of life, making space for an encounter with God away from the usual distractions and pressures.

Sometimes daily devotionsBible study or prayer activities can be enough to help people escape the everyday and spend some quality time with God. At others, though, attending a specific event or setting aside a day or time for retreat or quiet can be particularly useful.

The items shared through this page will help you to explore retreat and quiet day possibilities, encouraging you to try something new as you seek to deepen your sense of spirituality and, in so doing, your relationship with God.

Some suggestions to get you started will be posted here soon.

By Sheila Maxey

resurrectionIn 2011 Brentwood United Reformed Church decided, inspired by a synod workshop on preparing for Easter, to try to raise the profile of Easter both within the church and the local community. For many years, members had been involved in Lent Groups and Holy Week services and the Easter flower arrangements were always spectacular, but it seemed as if it was all over by noon on Easter Sunday.

So, instead, on the Thursday after Easter, we opened the church building and invited people to come in and meditate on the resurrection appearances presented in pictures and music.

Read more: Stations of the resurrection
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