Our mission strategy: vision2020

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vision2020squareIn 2010 the United Reformed Church adopted a ten-year strategic framework for mission called vision2020. Its aim is to encourage and support mission planning at every level of the Church: local, synod and Assembly. Vision2020 includes ten priorities for mission and these are offered to local churches to help them identify one or two mission priorities which are particularly relevant to their context. Once priorities are set, churches can make a mission plan.

Vision2020 also aims to make sure that the Church’s resources for mission are used most effectively. Therefore churches that have identified their mission priorities and made their mission plan using vision2020 are asked to share those with their synod and with the mission team at Church House. This will help synods and Church House to plan how best to support and resource local churches in their mission.

Vision2020 resources
For full information about how vision2020 works click here (link to vision2020 information leaflet: A4size   A5size)
You will find the ten vision2020 priorities here 
Vision2020 report to General Assembly 2010

Resources for mission planning
If you are planning for mission and want to share your plan with your synod and the Church House mission team, you can download a form here

Grants for mission
To support mission in local communities, vision2020 grants are available. For more details and an application form, click here

Group resources for mission
We have developed a vision2020 study guide. This is a useful small group resource in nine sections offering opportunities for bible study, proayer and reflections on mission in its many aspects. To download the study guide click here.

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