April 2021 - Bethany Davies - West Midlands Synod

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Recipient of the Lundie Memorial Award for April 2021 is 20-year-old Bethany Davies from Shrewsbury URC.

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Bethany was nominated by her minister, Revd Carole Marsden, and the Elders of the church for her work within our Church and community in the area of Dementia awareness and the setting up of the Messy Vintage programme at Shrewsbury URC.

Carole told us of the inspiring part Bethany plays in the mission of God to the elderly, especially those with dementia: 

"I am nominating Bethany for her work within our Church and community in the area of Dementia awareness and the setting up of the Messy Vintage programme at Shrewsbury URC.

Bethany was completing her A Levels when her studies took her into the area of Dementia. This sparked an interest in how the church could respond to the needs of those around us and within the fellowship. She spent time in a local care home and gained experience of the illness and practicalities and in the meantime enthused her Mum to get involved too.

Between them they attended Diocesan courses, Synod training and wider events to learn about the condition and consider a response.

From this Messy Vintage was born and pre pandemic was running once a month with a great response from our church fellowship and local community. The space and time was well thought through to meet the needs of those living with dementia and also those isolated due to physical disabilities and infirmity. It involves appropriate activities to engage all senses and abilities, worship, chatter space and the essential afternoon tea!

During this time Bethany moved to begin her medicine degree at Liverpool University.

Since Lockdown 1 and throughout the Pandemic, whilst at home, Bethany has been supporting her mum in our ongoing Messy Vintage delivered to your door efforts each month. These have seen more and more people requesting packs each month with activities, things to look at or read, things to hold, prayers, one month included biscuits and another a corn dolly. On one occasion a CD of familiar voices and hymns from our lockdown virtual church choir. She has sat for many hours making and creating hand made elements, filling envelopes and delivering door to door.

Bethany’s enthusiasm for the start of this project and it’s ongoing work has been inspirational and constant. It has shaped her educational choices and inspired the wider church to reach out in new ways. Whilst it has become a family affair her role within means that the Elders commend her to you for this award."

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