August 2020 - Lucy Keep - West Midlands Synod

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At a time when it becomes more and more difficult to find leaders for children's and youth groups, 17-year-old Lucy Keep from 7th Coventry Girls' Brigade has more than stepped up to the mark. 

Karen Adams, church elder and Assembly accredited lay preacher at Hollyhead Road URC, who is the Girls' Brigade team leader, nominated Lucy for the Lundie Memorial Award for her commitment to Girls' Brigade and the activities she undertakes. This is what she told us about Lucy, who has been a member pf the organisation since the age of four and a half years: 

"Lucy has worked closely with our other leaders to plan and prepare badge-work for younger girls, from craft work, to new ways of telling Bible stories, to working out new games and making sure we had the right equipment and materials to deliver sessions. Lucy engaged with the younger girls so they began to see her as a leader and look up to her and respect what she was saying. Lucy has always shown a considerate and considered approach to her interactions with the girls. She has always brought any concerns or worries to me in a mature and sensible way. 

"Lucy continued to make efforts to complete her own Brigadeer badge-work whilst planning and preparing for younger groups. She undertook Young Leader training at Foundation and Intermediate level and, whilst this took her out of her comfort zone, she took the challenge and did really well. Unfortunately her Advanced training level has been put on hold because of logistics with dates and District leader availability to deliver the training. 

"In October 2019 my other main leader moved away from Coventry and, despite her young age, Lucy has stepped up to help me run the Company. She has started an apprenticeship and comes straight from work on a Monday evening and gets stuck right into whatever we are doing. She has supported sleepovers, an activity centre day (really going out of her comfort zone to join in some activities) as well as the week to week activities. 

"Lucy also ensures that the practicalities and rules of running a Company are recognised and followed, including safeguarding and security. She shows a care and consideration for the girls and the leaders with a maturity beyond her age.

"In addition to this, Lucy has stepped in to deliver IT support for church services. 

"Lucy's passion for Girls' Brigade is contagious and without her I would find fulfilling my role a lot harder". 

It is great to hear of young people making a commitment to a leadership role like this within organisations such as Girls' Brigade and we are delighted to be able to make the award to Lucy on her own merit but also as representative of all young people who step up to the mark in this way and make such a difference to the lives of others. Well done, Lucy - keep up the good work. And here's hoping you can get onto that Advanced training level soon. 


Remember, you too can nominate a child or young person who is playing their part in the mission of God in their church, synod or community. Let's celebrate together.

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