July 2020 - Grace Brierley - Wessex Synod

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Grace Brierley, who was 11 when nominated, goes to Woking URC in Wessex and was nominated by her children's and youth worker there. This is what Leonie told us about Grace: 

Grace was outstanding member of the team at our two holiday fun clubs in 2019 for primary school age children. Grace took a vital role in leading the prayer zone.
The first holiday fun in April 2019, Grace’s involvement was unplanned as the adult team numbers were lower there was no capacity for them to be responsible for this station, as they were required to be with the children so we could adhere to ratios requirements. Grace was asked to lead this area, as it has been identified she holds an inner confidence around prayer and leading people in her quite disposition. Grace was still in year 6 as she stepped up to this challenge, which meant on some occasion she was leading others of her age, which she demonstrated an ability to manage and gained the respect from all ages including the many adults whom watched on as their group participated so effectively. Grace brought in her friend to support the requirements of the role, and she led her in what was needed. Grace set an example of how to provide an environment to enable connection and reflection, and many of the children who would have usually struggled to access this area of overt faith enjoyed the encounter. Grace did not only facilitate for the activities to occur; she also created the opportunity to pray individually with many of the children.
Grace in October 2019 developed her experience and was happy to get involved from the earlier stages of designing ideas to lead the children in the exploration of prayer. Grace designed many of the stations. Grace, this time had a bigger team of 3 young people, all different ages and she managed to stay in the lead role without anyone feeling left out. Grace is a quite leader and demonstrates her expectation through role modelling. There was lots of enthusiasm from all members of the team and the children spoke highly of the activities they enabled them to do. Grace enabled others to experience her heart for prayer and created a throne chair where she encouraged many of her team to also pray with the children. One of these members experience of church and faith is through participating in these holiday fun clubs so this was amazing to see her personally step in faith being prayed for and praying for others, with Graces’ support.
In this holiday fun, Grace also ran one of her prayer stations as a workshop so that the children could go further in their exploration of it. This station was designed and put together by Grace, all in a personal season of lots of change as she moved up to secondary school. Grace helped within planning meetings, never undermining others who spoke louder but took on board their ideas. Many of Grace’s skills take years to develop. Grace has a gift in leading individuals in prayer and enabling others to feel apart of something bigger.
Grace’s confidence in her ability to lead people in prayer is amazing and inspired many of the team. I look forward to Grace stepping further into her gifting and seeing how God uses her for His work.
Grace will not expect this application for nomination, but on a personal note I could not have ran the holiday fun clubs affectively in the prayer zone if Grace was not apart of the team, working alongside myself and others in such a mature and professional manor. Thank you Grace, for your hard work and keep seeking God for all he wants you to do.

We were impressed with Grace's spirituality and the way she took on this leadership role which many would find daunting. You can see Lorraine's interview with Grace on our YouTube channel. 


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