April 2020 - Emma Jackson - Mersey Synod

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Emma Jackson photo 2    Lundie medal logo full colour 2

Emma Jackson from West Kirby UrC was nominated for the Lundie Memorial Award by Debbie Hedges who is a member there. 17 year old Emma has made a real impact at the church, using her God-given skills and talents both in Sunday worship and in holiday clubs and children's clubs. 

Debbie says, " Emma is a talented musician and dancer. She has choreographed a dance for the theme song for the last two holiday clubs which was simple enough for the children to follow, yet worshipful. A dance video was then produced with Emma dancing which has been used for holiday clubs and also our monthly kids club, and has also been shared with other churches. 

Emma has also been playing the keyboard and singing in the worship band at chuch, and more recently leading worship. She has continued to do this on a very regular basis despite going to dance college this academic year, with the additional time pressures and demands that brings. her level of commitment is an inspiration to both the young people and adults in our congregation. 

She is without a doubt someone who uses her gifts, talents and skills to worship God, and for the benefit of the church. She does this without the need for reward or recognition, but I am delighted to nominate her to show my appreciation of her"

Emma is clearly another young person who is playing her part in the mission of God in a variety of ways and we are delighted to present her with the Lundie Memorial Medal and Award in recognition of this. Sadly the current situation (Covid-19 restrictions) means that Emma will have to wait a little while before her medal is awarded but it is safely in her CYDO's hands awaiting the right opportunity for a proper celebration of this young person's service to the congregation and community. Well done, Emma. 

Remember, you too can nominate a child or young person who is playing their part in the mission of God in their church, synod or community. Let's celebrate together.

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