
Video Resources

Christian Aid's John Plant speaks to us via Zoom

John Plant speaks to the URC

Munther Isaac speaks the URC's pilgrims about life under occupation

Munther Isaac in Bethlehem

Katy Henderson vlogging her experiences in Israel and Palestine

Katy's Vlog

Brian Jolly and William Young offer some reflections and prayer while in Israel and Palestine

Brian and William

Issa amro is an interantionally renowned activist in Hebron City. He spoke to the URC's pilgrims to the Holy Land

Issa Amro

Brian offers his reflections on the situation in Israel and Palestine

Brian Jolly

Emma Clare Nutbrown-Hughes on Israel and Palestine


William Young - Service of Worship from Jerusalem

William Young

Bible Study by Lawrence Moore in Bethany: Jesus takes on the Temple system of economics and exploitation

Bible Study in Bethany

Bible Study from the very spot where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount with Lawrence Moore

Bible Study on the Mount

Bible Study on Jesus in Jerusalem with Lawrence Moore

Bible Study in Jerusalem



New Logos

Here are our newly designed Commitment for Life logos. They are in keeping with a contemporary, web-based design philosophy, and offer more negative space to draw the eye. The blue echoes the new URC logo, bringing Commitment for Life firmly into the URC's global justice, missional focus.

Several options are offered here for different purposes. For example, the logo with strapline (white) might work well for a PowerPoint with a dark background.

Feel free to download and use any for your publishing, webpage, PowerPoint and social media requirements.



CfL logo

Basic Logo







Logo with Strapline (black)

CfL logo with strapline









Logo with Strapline (white)

CfL logo with strapline white










Logo with Associated Partners (black)

CfL logo with associated logos










Logo with Associated Partners (white)


CfL logo with associated logos white










Logo with Bangladesh (black)

CfL URC CA logo Bangladesh











CfL URC CA logo Bangladesh white v2

Logo with Bangladesh (white)








Logo with Zimbabwe (black)


CfL URC CA logo Zimbabwe









Logo with Zimbabwe (white)

CfL URC CA logo Zimbabwe white v2










CfL URC CA logo Central America

Logo with Central America (black)










Logo with Central America (white)

CfL URC CA logo Central America white v2











Logo with Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (black)


CfL URC CA logo Israel Palestine













Logo with Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories (white)


CfL URC CA logo Israel Palestine white v2















Old Logos


These will be kept here for a while before being archived. The logo was designed for various media and includes a range of tones whilst keeping its identity. Only a selection of sizes are shown here to be downloaded. If the file type or size you require is not shown, please contact the programme co ordinator for more details.

Guidelines for use: These explain the positioning of the logo and different types of files available and their suitability for different tasks.

Powerpoint slides: Use these master slides for Powerpoint presentation when talking about Commitment for Life.

C4Llogo smallest CMYK


C4Llogo smallest CMYK



C4Llogo dark smallest CMYK

smallest dark


C4Llogo dark smallest CMYK

large dark

C4Llogo smallest Greyscale

greyscale smallest.jpg

C4Llogo Reversed smallest CMYK

reversed large