• Good Friday: The System Failed

    Martin Luther King credit Luke Zhang UnsplashAgainst the backdrop of public tragedies and outrage, Simeon Mitchell, United Reformed Church Secretary for Church and Society, explores the pursuit of justice and the redemptive power of love:

    Jesus is dead. Who is to blame?

    It is often maddeningly difficult to get to the bottom of evil acts and gross injustices. Who can be held responsible for this unwarranted suffering, this unnecessary death?

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  • Maundy Thursday: The April Fool

    Maundy Thursday credit Catholic Church of EnglandThis year, Maundy Thursday and April Fool’s Day falls on the same day, 1 April. The Revd Adrian Bulley, United Reformed Church Assistant General Secretary, reflects on this juxtaposition:

    As a child and teenager, even as a young adult, I used to look forward to this date in the calendar, planning for weeks beforehand how it might be marked.

    I’m talking, of course, about April Fool’s Day. The day when nothing can be taken at face value.

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  • Palm Sunday: What kingdom do we seek?

    Jesus on a donkey credit Copyright Stephen Craven CC2.0Given today’s political climate in the UK and around the world, the Revd Dr John Bradbury, General Secretary of the United Reformed Church, reflects on how Palm Sunday is a poignant time for us to ask: "What type of world do we want to live in?"

    Do we want to be led by the sweeping force of populist nationalism when history and the Bible has already warned us what the outcome will be or do we want to work towards what God in Christ would have us overcome?:

    “Hosanna!”, they cried. A whipped-up crowd can be an exciting and intoxicating experience. It can be a toxic experience.

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  • Ash: a poem for Ash Wednesday

    Ash Cross credit Grzegorz Krupa Pixabay bannerAsh Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. To mark the occasion, URC minister, the Revd Lucy Berry, offers the following reflection and poem.

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  • Shrove Tuesday: pancakes and prayers

    pancakes flickerAndy Jackson, Head of Communications for the United Reformed Church (URC), shares some memories from past pancake days along with recipes from around the world (for those who want to try something other than lemon and sugar!) and a prayer for Shrove Tuesday. 


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  • Lent - Walking towards Easter together

    Lent sticker

    Walking together towards Easter is a Lent resource for churches to give to students, seniors, households and families to reduce isolation and offer hope in these challenging times.

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  • Easter resources

    A6 URC Easter coverRGB

    Download these free printable resources to promote your Easter services. They have been designed for you to print details of your services at the bottom of the posters or reverse of the leaflets and service sheets.


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