Learning Communities

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Fresh Expressions Learning Communities, which tend to be Synod-wide initiatives, are becoming increasingly popular within the URC and ecumenically. Groups of like-minded people meet to share ideas and work together to understand the huge variety of contexts and different approaches to mission. Conversation is lively, and the meetings are open to all denominations, lay people and ordained, in fact, anyone who is involved with a new form of church.
Contact the URC Coordinator for Fresh Expressions for more information.

Yorks pioneers learning community
Yorkshire Learning Community


Fresh Expressions training

Vision events

These events can be as long, or as short as you like. Designed to introduce the concept of fresh expressions of church, and new ways of doing mission, they encourage much discussion and lively conversation amongst the participants.
The URC Coordinator for Fresh Expressions is available to help you organise and present a Vision event.

Sleaford vision day
Vision Day at Sleaford URC (viewed from the gallery)


Mission shaped introductions

Mission Shaped Intro: (MSI)

A five, or six session course introducing churches to mission, MSI helps people to reconnect with the communities they are called to serve and to re-imagine the forms of church that are needed for the 21st century. It takes you on a creative and reflective journey looking at the need for new ways of being church.

Mission Shaped Ministry (MSM)

MSM is a one-year, part-time course which equips, resources and supports those pioneers who are starting, or already running a Fresh Expression of church.

IMG 20180310 145751The course provides the opportunity for individuals or teams to enrol and learn side-by-side as part of a supportive community – becoming more mission focused and reflecting on what that means for their lives and ministries. The course is ecumenical and open to all – so if you are interested in going deeper in your FX journey then we reckon this course will be right up your street.

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