Five-year-old who led a church service gains award

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Noah Boyce news bannerA five-year-old boy who watched his dad lead a service and then asked if he could do the same has been named the recipient of November's Lundie Memorial Award.

Noah Boyce, from the United Reformed Church (URC's) Southern Synod, was nominated by his minister, the Revd David Yule of Christ Church, Westgate.

Calling Noah a "faithful worshipper from the beginning of his life," David said: "Even before he can consciously remember, Noah has heard the words of our worship and scriptures and taken them into his deep into his heart; a heart uncorrupted by adult confusions and doubts, a heart connected to God in a way that most of us cannot now remember – just pure trust and belief."

The service that Noah led was recorded and can be watched below

"His approach to worship is simple," David continued, "but deep, and it carries us who are ready to be led by him into the heart of God."

As part of his award, Noah will receive a medal and a certificate along with £100 to be spent for the benefit of children and/or young people in his church, synod or local community.

More information about the Lundie Memorial Award and how to make a nomination can be found here.


Published: 14 December 2020

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