Take part in digital discussions about Israel and Palestine

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IOPT partipantsThe United Reformed Church’s (URC) interfaith relations team has organised two General Assembly-linked webinars focusing on Israel and Occupied Palestine Territories.

At the first, to be held on 14 July from 7-8.15pm, a panel will share their experiences of an URC educational visit to the region in 2019 via Zoom.

Introduced by Derek Estill, former URC General Assembly 2018-20, and Katie Henderson, URC Youth Assembly Moderator 2019-20, the panel will be chaired by Clare Nutbrown-Hughes who represented the URC West Midlands Synod on the visit, and who is about to start training to become a URC Minister of Word and Sacrament.

Panel members, who took part on the trip, include the Revd Tracey Lewis, Convenor of URC Interfaith Enabling Group; the Revd Jenny Mills, who represented the URC’s East Midlands Synod; Richard Lewney an Elder at Bar Hill Church in the URC’s Eastern Synod; Diana Paulding, who represented URC Youth; and Charissa King, Production and Marketing Officer for Reform magazine.

The second events, takes place on 21 July from 7-8.15pm. Author and keynote speaker, the Revd Dr Munther Isaac, Pastor of the Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem and Academic Dean at the Bethlehem Bible College, will be speaking live from Bethlehem.

The Revd Philip Brooks, Secretary for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, said: “It is a real privilege for the URC that Munther has agreed to do this. We met him whilst out in Bethlehem last September and he is a deeply thoughtful and engaging speaker. This will be an opportunity to hear at first hand the experience of living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.”

Time will be allocated at both events for audience questions.

To take part, please contact Carole Sired.


Published: 1 July 2020
Image: Kevin Snyman

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