Creative talent and streetlight fascination lead to URC Lundie Memorial Award

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Henry news bannerA talented musician and a boy with a fascination for streetlights have been named the latest recipients of the United Reformed Church’s (URC) Lundie Memorial Award.

Emma Jackson, 17, from the URC’s Mersey Synod, received the award in April, and Henry Stapleton, seven, from East Midlands Synod, received the award in May.

Henry received the award for raising £150 at Bulwell URC so that the people of York Village in Freetown, Sierra Leone, could install a solar powered streetlight.

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Emma choreographed dances at her church’s holiday club and produced dance videos so that they can be used at the church’s monthly children’s club and by other churches. Emma has also used her keyboard playing and singing talent in the worship band at her church.

emma jackson 840 x 460 3Debbie Hedges, from West Kirby URC, who nominated Emma, said: “Emma is without a doubt someone who uses her gifts, talents and skills to worship God, and for the benefit of the church. She does this without the need for reward or recognition, and I am delighted to nominate Emma to show my appreciation of her."

Henry was nominated by Joy Rice, an Elder at Bulwell URC, who described Henry as being “the answer to prayer and an inspiration.”

Both young people will receive a medal and a £100 prize to be spent on benefiting children and young people in their church, synod or local community.

Explaining how happy she was that Henry had been named a recipient, Joy added: “I am thrilled to learn that Henry has received this award. Henry and his brother, Toby, supported by mum and dad , Sandra and Ian, are a great family always looking for good causes to support. I’m sure that Henry will have some great ideas on how this award can be used within our church community.” 

The Lundie Memorial Award is organised by the URC’s Children’s and Youth Work department. Details on how to make a nomination can be made found here.

Details of the recipients for January, February and March can be found here.

More details about Henry and Emma can be found here.


Images: Henry Stapleton, top, Emma Jackson, bottom.
Published: 18 May 2020

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