Easter Sunday: Rejoice! Jesus conquers the grave

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resized image Promo 40For Reuben Watt, Moderator of the United Reformed Church Youth Assembly, Easter Sunday would normally consist of eating lots of chocolate and hot cross buns, spending time with his extended family, going for a walk or doing an Easter egg hunt and, of course, attending church in Reigate. In this reflection for Easter Sunday, Reuben explains what he will be doing instead and the true meaning of Easter.

For all of us this year, gathering at church will not be possible. Instead we can listen to or watch one of the many URC live services or recordings or take part in the Daily Devotions’ digital Sunday services.

I am sure that many of us have experienced many sermons and reflections that look at the Easter story, but at a time where we are all in lockdown, is it worth just looking at the basics of what the Easter story really is about?

On Good Friday, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour died on the cross, to save us from our sins. He was resurrected three days later 2,000 years ago. How great is that?

Someone has sacrificed their own life because of all the bad things we have done in our lives so that we, as Christians who have turned from sin and put our trust in Jesus, get to experience life in Heaven with God when we die.

Easter Sunday also reminds us just who Jesus is. He showed us that he can conquer one of the only guarantees in life, death.

Jesus wasn’t just any man, he was the Son of God, the resurrected king, the only human who could possibly raise himself from the dead. He is the reason we go to church every Sunday to be able to praise him and give thanks.

The world right now seems a bit of a rubbish place, but don’t forget to carry on praising him because he is good!

So, at this time in our lives, remember Jesus, remember the good news story that he died for our sins and was then brought back to life. Rejoice!


Picture: A cross draped in white fabric. Joshua Eckstein/Unsplash
Published: 11 April 2020

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