A prayer for the season of Lent

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resized image Promo 14Stephen Tomkins, Editor of the United Reformed Church’s Reform magazine, reflects on the themes of personal growth, humility and forgiveness as we enter the season of Lent.

Lord Jesus,
who went alone into the wilderness
to prepare for all that your Father had for you to do,
walk with us, we pray,
as we follow in your footsteps through the weeks ahead.

May we wrestle,
may we learn,
may we grow.

Help us to see ourselves as we are.
Forgive us the damage that we have done,
and mend the damage that we have sustained.

Dust we are and to dust we shall return.
As the hand of God raised all life out of the dust of the earth,
and raised you, Lord Jesus, to life out of the dust of death,
may the same hand of God be upon us now, we pray.

Lead us through the dusty desert of Lent
to the garden of your resurrection.



Picture: A cross in ashes. Amplitudy/4Images/Pixabay
Published: 25 February 2020


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