Fall of Berlin Wall anniversary celebrated

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resized image Promo 1Members of the United Reformed Church (URC) and the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz met in Frankenthal from November 7-11 to mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Many local URC and EKP churches are in twinning or similar partnerships. 

On 9th November 2019, the day marking 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall, 29 years since the reunification of Germany, and the 81 years since Kristallnacht, leaders of the United Reformed Church and the Evangelische Kirche der Pfalz signed a statement that acknowledged with sadness that around the world, physical and imagined walls are once again being built. 

The leaders signed a declaration that said:

differences of opinion, culture, faith and conviction are treated with respect; 

that we all speak out against racism in all forms and report all incidents; 

that we underline our commitment against anti-semitism and any form of religious hatred; 

that refugees are not used as scapegoats but rather seen as those who enrich communities; that we strive for unity lived out in our churches as an example for our societies; 

that we recommit ourselves to the spirit of the first Covenant of fellowship signed in 1957. 

Read the statement in full

Visit the Flickr gallery with photos and videos from the Fall of the Wall Conference


Picture: East and West Germans at the Brandenburg Gate in 1989/Senate of Berlin.
Published: 20 November 2019 

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