New Moderator of Yorkshire Synod nominated

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Jamie Kissack websiteThe Revd Jamie Kissack, a minister of the United Reformed Church (URC) currently serving the church in its Sheffield Team Ministry, has been nominated as the next Moderator of the Church’s Yorkshire Synod. 

Jamie was born in 1964 in the Midlands, moving back to his family roots on the Isle of Man when he was 14.

He studied Biochemistry at Sheffield University where he met his wife, Fran. He worked in a hospital laboratory for a couple of years before going to Mansfield College, Oxford, to train for ministry with Fran.

In 1997, Jamie accepted a call to minister in Hornsea on the East Yorkshire coast. He became increasingly involved in the life of the then District and Synod.

During his 19-year ministry he helped develop a project to support lonely and isolated individuals, and also a project to support the local fishing industry.

Jamie moved to Sheffield in 2016 to join the URC’s new Team Ministry, developing a pattern of ministry with two colleagues to support 14 churches across the city.

He has convened both Synod Pastoral and Ministries committees, has co-led the Assembly Assessment Consultation and currently serves as the Candidating Secretary for the Yorkshire Synod.

Jamie and Fran, now an NHS chaplain, have three adult children, Katie, Sarah and Peter. Jamie is a keen cyclist and gardener, and in his spare time enjoys making things from wood.

He said: “Although I have been in Yorkshire Synod for 22 years, I feel I still have much to learn about the mission of the churches of the Synod. I am looking forward to working with friends old and new as we prayerfully discern what new challenges God has for us.”

The Revd Richard Church, Deputy General Secretary (Discipleship) of the URC, said: “In the Revd Jamie Kissack, the Church in Yorkshire and the wider United Reformed Church will have an experienced leader, a thoughtful listener, and a wise counsellor as the next Synod Moderator. We look forward to all God brings to the life of our Church, through Jamie’s service in his new role.”

The Yorkshire Synod has 96 churches with more than 2,800 members. More than 3,800 adults and children worship in those churches every week with many more people using the churches for Scouts, Guides, community groups, foodbanks, associations, youth clubs, drama groups, craft groups, Bible Study, Messy Church, Godly Play, cafés, meeting places, lunch clubs, sports clubs and hobby groups to name a few of the weekday activities taking place in local URCs.

The Yorkshire Synod has churches across the many cities and towns of England’s largest county, all supported from the Synod office in Leeds.

The Revd Kevin Watson, who has served as Moderator since 2008, will retire in June 2020, and Jamie will take up his new duties after that. 

Photo: Fran Kissack

Published 2 October 2019

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