New, free URC membership leaflet now available

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A new, colourful, eight-page leaflet for those considering membership in the United Reformed Church (URC) is now available to churches for free.

‘Join the family: Membership in the United Reformed Church’ has been written by the URC's Faith and Order committee and the Communications Team.

The leaflet includes answers to: what it means to be a member of the URC, who can become a member, the origins of the URC and its aims and goals, how the URC is run and what the responsibilities of a church member are. 

The Revd Dr Catherine Ball, member of the Faith and Order committee and Minister of The Free Church, in St Ives, expressed her delight with the new leaflet and how useful it will be in her ministry:

‘As a minister I am often asked for details about baptisms and membership. It will be a great help to have this leaflet to hand out to people. I'm sure this will be a well-used resource for all our churches.’

Andy Jackson, URC Head of Communications, added: ‘The leaflet answers a lot of questions for those considering church membership and it’s already proving to be very popular. We’ve distributed hundreds of leaflets since it arrived a few days ago – almost half the stock – and I’m delighted that we’ve had to order a reprint.’

The leaflet is available in packs of five from the URC Online Shop. Postage and packing costs apply. The leaflet is also available as a free download on the URC website.

Downloadable leaflets about other roles in the URC can be found at


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