General Assembly moderators pray for reconciliation after government’s Brexit deal defeat

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Brexit signpostJust what happens now after MPs voted 432 to 202, on Tuesday, against Theresa May’s Brexit deal?

MPs gather to debate a no-confidence motion in the government, and Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, has hinted in a Twitter post that the UK should stay within the EU.


The Revd Nigel Uden and Derek Estill, Moderators of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, offer a prayer for the UK in the wake of this confusion.

‘The impasse leaves many anxious, disappointed and confused,' they said. 'Mindful of the Church’s vocation to pray, we make this offering which echoes many people’s plea for renewal and reconciliation.’

Gracious God,
whose son Jesus Christ
modelled self-emptying goodwill and wisdom,
we pray for the United Kingdom,
for all who serve it in elected office, and
for their staff;
may the Spirit which was in him
stir them tenaciously to pursue
a coherent outcome,
a renewed prosperity and
a far-reaching reconciliation
for this nation and its European neighbours,
in the power of Christ’s tomb-emptying reliably resurrected love.


Picture: Brexit signposts. Maxpixel

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