‘Sharing resources can make world of difference’ says Holy Habits author in new film

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woman with box‘Practising this habit is particularly important because it can literally make the world of difference,’ says Andrew Roberts, author of Holy Habits, as he introduces the United Reformed Church’s film, ‘The Holy Habit of Sharing’.

This film is the third in a short series that explores each theme featured in Mr Roberts’ book.

‘It’s important to remember that Luke presents us with a radically different way of organising our lives, economically as well as spiritually,’ continues the author. ‘They (the disciples) gave to anybody as they had need. There was a lack of possessiveness and there was openness to the needs of others.  It was challenging for them and perhaps it’s even more challenging now.’ 

In the film, the late Howard Hutchings – a former member of the Eco Congregation group at Shrewsbury United Reformed Church and a volunteer of Shrewsbury Ark, a drop-in centre for homeless and vulnerable people – explains how the Shrewsbury Food Hub charity meets that challenge.

‘God provides everything in abundance and there are people who don’t have access to that. We (the Shrewsbury Food Hub) get to respond and share food or any resource as we are called to do,’ he says.

The hub collects foods from supermarkets and distributes it between 46 community groups in the area. 

logoKate Anderson, the hub’s manager said: ‘We have 50 volunteers collecting food every day. If we didn’t collect it, it would be thrown away. Last year, we collected 32 tons of food. That’s the equivalent of 76,000 meals.’

Melanie Smith, of New International Financial and Economic Architecture – an initiative between the World Council of Churches and the Lutheran World Federation which aims to replace the present unregulated market economy and unjust financial governance structures, with an economy of life, where all God’s creation is valued – details why it is difficult for some people to access God’s abundance.

‘I’m always impressed by the way people in our churches respond to international disasters,’ she says. ‘They do so much to help people in other parts of the world … but we have an international economic and financial system that’s designed to channel resources and money in just one direction; away from poor people towards the rich.’

In the film, Mr Roberts outlines three major areas where this trend can be tackled.

Watch the film to discover what these areas are and how you can help. 


Pictures one and two, stills from 'The Holy Habit of Sharing Resources'/URC


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