Help National Synod of Wales celebrate the NHS’ 70th birthday

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Phil Wall Brecon Beacons walkToday (5 July 2018), marks the 70th anniversary that Labour MP Aneurin (Nye) Bevan established the National Health Service and to celebrate the achievement, the United Reformed Church National Synod of Wales is hosting a series of activities and events as part of its ‘God Bless the NHS’ campaign which aims to show its appreciation to the thousands of women and men who dedicate their lives to ensuring our health and well-being.

The Revd Phil Wall, Minister of St David’s Uniting Church, in Pontypridd, has spearheaded the campaign and will begin a trek across Wales with Bethan Walkling, daughter of the Revd Simon Walkling, Moderator of the National Synod of Wales, on 7 July 2018 in Rhyl as part of the festivities. They both hope to complete the trek on 17 July 2018 ending with a reception at the National Assembly in Cardiff Bay.

He reflects on training for the 180-mile journey.

‘Walking the Way can often feel like a joy. Sometimes it can feel like a trudge.

Bethan Walkling‘Bethan and I have certainly felt both as we’ve prepared for our upcoming walk across Wales – from Rhyl to Cardiff. The trek across Aneurin Bevan country forms the backbone of our ‘God Bless the NHS’ celebrations which we are putting on to mark 70 years since our National Health Service was founded. Each day we’ll be staying with sisters and brothers from Christian communities across Wales – even daring a night across the border – and visiting NHS workplaces to thank the women and men who work so tirelessly to care for our health and well-being.

‘It won’t be an easy saunter, but then no great journey is. I’m sure there will be times when we’ll be footsore and famished, tired and tempted to give up and, when we are, I hope that the holy habits that we’ll be practising along the way will help us to keep focused and faithful. As we share food and fellowship with our generous hosts; as we pray God’s blessing on the NHS and are held in prayer by others; as we share gladness and a few gifts with clinicians and cleaners, porters and practitioners, we hope we will encourage and be encouraged by our fellow pilgrims along the way.

‘When we reach our destination at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay and give members of the National Assembly of Wales the thousands of messages of thanksgiving, support and birthday wishes that we aim to collect on our walk, it’s our prayer that we will have brought people together with a call for justice, a story of good news and an excuse for a party; doing so in the name of God – the midwife of creation, the healer of Nazareth, and the spirit of life.’

NHS ENGLISH LANDSCAPE to useTo follow their progress or to add your support to the ‘God Bless the NHS’ campaign, visit

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