Denial, betrayal, but the command to love

love heartsThe Revd Nigel Uden, Moderator-elect of the General Assembly, takes a fresh look at Maundy Thursday and Jesus’ new commandment to love – asking us what our response should be.

This is an ironic day. Just as Jesus experiences his followers’ denial, betrayal and abandonment, he gives his new commandment, ‘As I have loved you, you also should love one another.’

New? Was anything new about loving one another? What about Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan? Hannah and Samuel, Hosea and Gomer?      

Perhaps Jesus’ commandment is new because he suggests there is something in the way he loves that particularly intimates the ideal of loving to which God calls us. He loves unconditionally, limitlessly, resiliently. Surely, it’s only that measure of love by which a person could endure crucifixion. After all, there is nothing in it for him; this is self-emptying love to the point of death. He loves because love is his nature.

Maybe we feel this degree of love is beyond us. Yet, can’t we all think of those whose love is sacrificial? Hospice nurses; aid workers; lone parents; the partners of those living with dementia; Lt Colonel Arnaud Beltrame last week in Trèbes.

In urging this new way, Jesus doesn’t say ‘here’s how I love, but you’ll never be up to that’. It’s a word of encouragement. ‘Come on, here’s how I love you; now, walk my way and love my way, too. Don’t impose conditions, set limits, or give up. Sure, you’ll falter and fail sometimes; there was a moment when I asked God to take such a cup from me. But as God stirred me to love, so God will stir you to love.’

This is not a call to the impossible way, but to the new way, the renewing way, by which shadows are dispersed and hope is restored. With God’s help it can be our way, the world’s way. Let’s pray that it be so.


God, whose best name is Love,

your command to love is

not to intimidate us

but to inspire us.

By your Spirit,

transform our timidity into confidence,

our unpredictability into consistency and

our coldness into compassion

until we love as you love us

through Jesus Christ,