‘Mother Behold Your Son’ by URC-poet minister Lucy Berry

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Lucy Berry poem banner 840 by 460As the lonely single mother of an only son I thought a lot about Mary in the early days of my motherhood. Christ's last words from the cross, according to John 19:26, consign Mary to the care of the disciple whom he loved. In the midst of appalling pain, he is human and humane, ordinary and extraordinary. He is putting things in order in his family – and in the world.


Mother Behold Your Son

Mother, behold your son
leave-taking on this cross;
your first begotten one,
our greatest loss.

Mother behold the child,
God-sired in you, to be
our model for divine

Mother behold the boy
you cradled from the cold,
departing from you now
as you grow old.

What kind of son is this:
the whole world’s lover,
who will not stay
to watch over his mother?

Son, behold your mother
who bore the shame,
and bore the child
without a father’s name.

God’s baby-mother here
and your first friend
watching at your cradle
and the end.



Lucy Berry is a poet, a mum, and a minister of the United Reformed Church. More information about her work can be found here. Lucy is also available to perform, preach and lead workshops.

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