Inter Faith resources

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The use of church buildings by people of other faith communities (PDF |  5.9mb) - In an increasingly diverse society, local churches are often approached by other faith communities seeking premises where they can hold worship or events. The URC last issued guidance about how a local church might host another faith community back in 1974.

It seemed very appropriate therefore to provide more up to date advice. Working with Baptist interfaith colleagues, the URC has produced a brand new booklet for local churches entitled, ‘The use of church buildings by people of other faith communities’. The document gives helpful pointers to assist churches as they discern whether such hospitality would work in their particular context.

Faith Festivals Calendars – The Inter Faith Network helpfully produce a calendar of faith festivals each year. It is not an exhaustive list, but it gives a good overview as well as the appropriate greeting for each occasion.

The Baptist Union of Great Britain has produced a pack of 12 cards – 12 myths of Inter Faith Engagement – that can be used in a variety of settings. They challenge such myths as: 'Inter faith engagement means we sell out on our beliefs and weaken our faith' and ‘There is no reference to Inter faith encounters in the ministry of Jesus’. The cards are an excellent resource for small group discussions and can be downloaded from the Baptist Union website. Additionally, the Baptists have written a very accessible series providing a broad introduction to understanding other faiths with background information on their beliefs and practices, which can be found here.

Each year Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) produces a Lent course and in 2017 it was entitled, Returning Home: Christian Faith in Encounter with Other Faiths. The resource explores how Christian faith has been deepened and enriched by encounters with people of different religions. It is downloadable from the CTBI website.

In 2011, a group of seasoned interfaith activists and young adult leaders, with a passion for inter faith relationships and culture, launched The Interfaith Observer. It is a free monthly digital journal created ‘to explore interreligious relations and the interfaith movement as a whole’. It can be accessed here.

Useful books for further reference

Christians, Muslims, and Jesus – Mona Siddiqui

A Heart Broken Open – Ray Gaston

Eating Curry for Heaven’s Sake – Barbara Glasson

The Word of God is Not Bound – John Parry

God's Unfailing Word: Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian – Jewish Relations – Faith and Order Commission, Church of England


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