Sawston Free Church brings together children from the whole village

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Sawston Free Church in Eastern Synod ran their holiday club on 3-6 August 2021 and was especially pleased to include non-church families and those who have recently arrived to the UK.

Sawston Free Church 3  Sawston Free Church 2

The leader Maggie Jones expressed her gratitude towards the Children’s and Youth Work Committee for the grant making the holiday club affordable, “We prefer to keep the cost to the families at a minimum so that no one is excluded.” The two other churches in the village also make a small contribution each year - holiday club is open to anyone in the village and Sawston Free Church hosts it with CYDO Nicola Grieves' support. 

The village seems to appreciate the opportunity. “We have received thank you cards,” told Maggie Jones.

“The parents in particular have thanked us in person. Some have even brought in home baking for the volunteers!”

When the children arrived on the first day there was some reticence but before too long, they were eager to return the next day. Some children were really disappointed when it was confirmed the Holiday Club was not returning the following week.

Maggie Jones was excited to reach non-church families, “I heard this week that one volunteer's grandchild who attended Holiday Club for the first time has told her parents she is a Christian and she would like to try Junior Church! She is six years old, and her parents are really not sure about church, but see the effect Holiday Club is having on her and are slowly warming to it and are happy that grandma takes her to Junior Church. That makes it all worthwhile!”

Sawston Free Church’s holiday club is run by a team of volunteers. “The volunteers see their role as a privilege and although at the end of the week they are totally exhausted, they also feel so enriched, happy and elated!” Maggie Jones shared.

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