• General Assembly day four round up: 12 July 2021

    Adrian Bulley URC GA 12 JulyThe Revd Helen Everard, Chaplain to the Moderators of Assembly, led a short session of worship on the last morning of General Assembly.

    The Convenor of the Business Committee, the Revd Adrian Bulley, announced that contributions from members of Assembly would be reduced from three to two minutes, because of the amount of outstanding business to cover in the remaining sessions.  

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  • General Assembly day three round up: 11 July 2021

    Helen Everard day three news bannerThe third day of the United Reformed Church General Assembly, which was held digitally, began with prayer led by the Chaplain to the Moderators, the Revd Helen Everard.

    Session nine

    Announcement of the Election of General Assembly Moderator 2022-2023

    The result of the vote for Moderator of General Assembly was announced by the Revd Adrian Bulley, Convenor Business Committee: 208 votes were cast and the Revd Fiona Bennett, Minister of Augustine United Church, Edinburgh, was elected as Moderator. Mrs Everard led Assembly in prayer for both candidates.

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  • URC passes multiple resolutions about Israel and Palestine

    Boy and soldier in front of Israeli wall credit Justin McIntosh news bannerAt its General Assembly, meeting between July 9-12, the United Reformed Church (URC) passed ten significant resolutions pertaining to the situation in Israel and Palestine.

    A primary focus of the resolutions deals with the way in which Israeli settlements and forced land acquisitions represent a de facto annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories.

    There is a request for local churches and members to contact their constituency MPs to express concerns about the actions of the Israeli government regarding settlement expansion and house demolitions, and to ask what the UK is doing in response.

    There is also an appeal to refrain from purchasing products produced in Israeli settlements.

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  • General Assembly day two round up: 10 July 2021

    David Coleman news bannerThe second day of General Assembly began with worship led by the Chaplain to the Moderators, the Revd Helen Everard. The band of Woking URC led Assembly in the hymn ‘All creatures of our God and King’. A number of young people read from Job 12 and Matthew 7.

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  • General Assembly day one round up: 9 July 2021

    GA logo news bannerGeneral Assembly, the key-decision making body of United Reformed Church (URC), opened on 9 July. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the meeting was held digitally.

    The 2021 General Assembly of the United Reformed Church began with the Constitution of Assembly in prayer by the Moderator of Assembly, Peter Pay.

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  • URC review group assembled

    Avenue St Andrews URC credit Sue HillA group of people who will form the review of church life group, initiated at the United Reformed Church (URC) Mission Council in March, has been appointed.

    The group of nine people, which includes the Revd Dr John Bradbury, URC General Secretary, has been assembled to review the life, structures, resources and work of the URC to enable a faithful response to the challenges presented in Paper A1 Toward the future of the URC. This paper reflected that the pandemic has become a moment that has revealed strengths, weaknesses and possibilities in the life of the church we maybe were not aware of.

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  • 2021 General Assembly looking at racism, conflict and the URC’s 50th anniversary

    GA logo news bannerThe United Reformed Church (URC) General Assembly is taking place from 9-12 July online.

    General Assembly is the URC’s key decision-making body which meets annually to celebrate, discuss, worship and make decisions about the life and work of the denomination.

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  • Join in with General Assembly Sunday worship service

    GA worship generalThe Moderators of the United Reformed Church (URC) General Assembly are warmly inviting members of the denomination to join General Assembly’s Sunday worship service on 11 July.

    The Revd Clare Downing will preach at the service which will be livestreamed from the URC’s national website and Facebook page from 11am.

    The Moderators hope this will offer a number of possibilities for United Reformed churches:

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  • General Assembly

    The United Reformed Church’s General Assembly 2021 took place online from 9 to 12 July.

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  • Ordinations and Commissions

    A list of Ordinations and Commissions as appeared in the United Reformed Church Yearbook 2021.

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  • Assembly Officers

    A list of current and former Assembly officers.

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  • Assembly Committees

    A list of committees and committee members. 

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  • General Assembly papers

    United Reformed Church General Assembly logo

    Download materials for the online meeting of the United Reformed Church General Assembly which took place from 9-12 July 2021.

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