'Talking about.....' Monthly gatherings for all engaged in children's and youth work

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Talking About.... is a series of free online gatherings for children's, families and youth work employed workers and volunteers. 

Held every fourth Thursday evening (with the exception of August) at 7pm, the first session took place in July 2021 and focused on the theme of opening up. The programme will be built around the issues that the people attending would find useful to talk about as the team of regional professions (known as the CYDO+ team as they are made up of Synod Children's and Youth Development Officers and their equivalents) listen to your needs and then aim to provide some input and some opportunities for discussion and networking. 

This is an excellent opportunity to recognise that you're not facing these joys and issues alone and to build up mutual support as well as having a chance to talk to the CYDO+ team about the things that are important to you in your Children's and Youth Work role. 

Contact children.youth@urc.org.uk to find out more and to get the link for booking. 

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