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Reform subs

An exciting new opportunity has arisen for to enable young people and young adults (and even the more confident writers from URC Children) to make a visible contribution to the church and make their voices heard. Reform magazine have invited us to form a panel of writers to produce a new youth column for their monthly magazine. Here is the remit from Editor Steve Tomkins. You can contact him or the Programme Officer Lorraine Webb if you would like to learn more. 

Reform, the United Reformed Church’s national magazine, is planning a new column, written by younger members of the Church. The provisional title is ‘Here & now’. We would love to hear from people who are interested in writing for it.


The scope of the column is broad: we want to hear what you have to say. We want to hear the stories you have to tell and the points you have to make. What is it like being a Christian in today’s world? How are you living out your faith? What do you have to say to the Church? How do you want to change the world? How do you want to change the Church?

Contributors will be about the age of URC Youth, or possibly URC Children – but there is no strict cut-off point at either end.

The column will appear in every issue of Reform, so there will be ten instalments a year. The same contributor might write for it repeatedly, but there will not be a strict rota, and we hope to hear from a good number of different voices.

Provisionally, the length of the column is between 650 and 750 words.

Submission dates will be arranged with contributors. Text should submitted by email to Lorraine Webb at

 Steve Tomkins, Editor

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