Eldership Resources

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In the United Reformed Church, the eldership of a local congregation is a significant ministry – the Elders share responsibility, with the Minister of Word and Sacraments, for the spiritual oversight of the congregation. The Elders’ meeting is intended to be a distinctive and vital part of every URC congregation – with the Elders collectively possessing the abilities, skills and spiritual gifts of leadership. At its best, the Elders’ meeting is at the heart of every local congregation, providing impetus and positive influence on the mission, witness and service of the church. In short, Elders play an essential role in enabling the congregation to live fruitful lives as God’s people.

More information can be found in the They've asked me to be an Elder booklet which has been primarily written for those who have been asked to consider a call to eldership by their Minister or an Elder in their congregation.

More Communications Information booklets on a variety of subjects can be found here.


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