CRCW - Other Agencies

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Agencies and websites providing resources, advice and training opportunities to support Church Related Community Development Work: OtherAgencyPhoto

Cinnamon Network - Lots of helpful resources to download for free. Visit Community Transformation Toolkit, here.

as one - A partnership proposal for UK towns and cities
as one has emerged from a Birmingham campaign started in May 2018, called Permission to Smile.

That combination of a high profile message, a ‘thing to do’ and local facilitation has proved a winner.  Now, a new campaign for new times has been crafted together and we want to introduce it to you. View the as one website here.

CLES - the national organisation for local economies.
'At the heart of CLES’ work is our mission to achieve social justice and effective public services by developing progressive economics for people, planet and place.'

Our projects merge theory and practice to: 'Deliver Economies for All', 'Build Community Wealth', 'Deepen Democracy', 'Create Great Places', Make Public Services Excellent' and 'Tackle Climae Emergency'. Read 'Our Work' here.

Faith Action - Staying Connected, Building Community - Full of useful information and guidance on training, news and events. For more details, click here.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Community Support information via the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT)  - Local communities are responding to the Coronavirus crisis in different ways. There are actions we can take as individuals and as churches, to support our communities as we are able. For useful links and guidance, please click here: Community Support

Life Together by Livability - a Livability training course that equips you to connect with your community."In five sessions delivered over ten weeks, our experienced facilitators help groups to bring together their personal experiences, community development practice and theological reflection". For details, see their brochure here.

Livability - Church and Community Resources
Livability is a passionate advocate of the local church as a powerful agent for change. We provide a wide range of training, tools and resources that support churches make it all add up in their community. The Happiness Course, Dementia Friendly Church and Ability Sunday are all resources that Livability provides to churches and community groups across the UK.

Church Mission Society - Mission Resource Hub
"So what does mission mean to you? We would like to help you and your church explore this question and encourage you to step out and put your call into action. To help with this, we have created an online resource hub, the first of its kind, providing a broad range of free mission resources, including small group Bible studies, videos, stories of pioneering mission and full access to Anvil, CMS’s excellent journal of theology and mission - all updated on a regular basis."

Open Church Network - "A virtual gathering place for people seeking an open conversation about Christianity, theology, church, the Bible and life. A web portal rich in content and resources for those with a personal interest in Christian life or theology; for church leaders, church members and those who are currently finding their way outside a traditional sense of church.  A network with a strong focus on the inclusion of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender within the Christian Church."

Eden Project Communities - Stuff You can do. "Our aim is to improve the happiness and wellbeing of people across the UK by helping to build more resilient and better connected communities."
"Eden supports and encourages people all over the UK to take positive actions that strengthen local connections and build stronger communities."

Buildings ForumThe Buildings Forum is a resource to encourage and assist churches to develop creative thinking around the potential and use of their buildings.  It is not just about bricks and mortar and maintenance but first and foremost about the missional use of the great variety of buildings that we have at our disposal.  It is intended to encourage thinking about the theology of buildings, good ideas and good practice, change and even the question of whether a building is necessary and might be more of a hindrance than a help.  

Church Urban Fund: Tackling Poverty Together - Poverty Look up tool. When you think about the parish you live in, does it feel quite deprived, fairly wealthy, or somewhere in the middle? How do we feel about these vast differences in life chances and what can churches do to help bridge the gap? Start here by finding out more about the level of poverty in your parish and how this compares with other parishes locally and nationally.

Resources for churches - We’re passionate about bringing churches together to tackle poverty in England. That’s why we create ready-to-use resources to help your church engage with and support church-based projects bringing transformation to our poorest communities.

Working with volunteers - from managing the formalities to building good relationships, these resources will help you work well with your volunteers.

Big Lunch Extra - an Eden Project: Big Lunch Extras is a programme to help individuals across the UK create positive change within their communities.

The National Estate Churches Network (NECN) - a network of Church workers, clergy, community workers and many others who live and work on Housing Estates in different areas of England sharing their knowledge and experience and allowing local people to have their say at national level

The Centre for Theology & Community - Equipping churches to transform their Communities through community organising, theological reflection and prayer. Find out more here

A film from

- What is Community Organising?

Setting up a social enterprise - help for if you wans to set up a business that has social, charitable or community - based objectives.

Blog: faithinanurbanworld - "Chris Shannahan is a Lecturer in Religion and Theology at the University of Manchester having previously worked as a Research Fellow in Urban Theology at the University of Birmingham. He lives in Birmingham with his wife and children and a dog called scamp. He has been a Methodist Minister and community activist for 15 years and wants to find out what progressive faith means in the city in C21. This BLOG is part of that learning, sharing, challenging, changing process..."

KnowHowNonProfit - help and advice for those working in or new to the charity and non for profit sector.

Locality - Communities ambitious for change - Our work can be complicated; we run a range of different programmes, we support hundreds of members working in communities around the country, we campaign on community issues, and work to influence the government on behalf of Locality’s members. But our overall aim is simple: we want to change the world, one neighbourhood at a time.

Tearfund 'Catalyst Programme' - Now open for applications - Tearfund, working in partnership with the Cinnamon Network, invites local churches in England to apply for the ‘Catalyst Programme’. Within the overall framework of Tearfund’s world vision, the IMPACT UK Team has a national vision to see ‘every UK church envisioned and equipped to bring wholeness and flourishing in place of poverty, disadvantage and inequality.’ The purpose of the Catalyst Programme is to help the local church ‘cross the road to community engagement’ through a process that will help the church to develop and implement an authentic and relevant social action programme.

Applications will be accepted from December 2013 until November 2014 (or until all the funding has been allocated) with a Church commitment to have a community initiative up and running by March 2015 at the very latest.

Tackling Poverty Together - Church urban Fund - Ready to Go Projects, An Introduction - Would you like to start a community development project at your church? Are you feeling daunted and don’t know where to start? In this section, we’ve compiled details of organisations who have:

  • a passion for helping churches be more effective in their community, and
  • ready-to-go projects that have been tried and tested elsewhere.

These national organisations can give you the tools you need, as well as advice and support throughout the whole process of setting up your project in your local area. For a downloadable version - click here.

Community How To: The Place Station - An online mapping tool for everyone who cares about their local area including social and community entrepreneurs. It invites you to add or find assets and encourages private sector professionals to offer their support to help get projects off the ground.

Communities First - Following realignment in April 2012, Communities First is a Community Focussed Programme that supports the Welsh Government’s Tackling Poverty agenda.

The Community Foundation - in Wales promotes the cause of philanthropy in Wales by creating and managing relationships between donors and those who are running life-enhancing initiatives. They are dedicated to strengthening local communities by providing a permanent source of funding, building endowment and ‘immediate impact’ funds to link donors to local needs.

Fund for Wales - makes a difference now and in the future by encouraging giving to fund community projects across Wales. Connecting people who care with causes that matter, the Fund is building a vibrant community of donors whose gifts - of all sizes - nurture Welsh culture, heritage and environment, and improve the lives of people across Wales.

Community Development Workforce Wales - We hope you will find this website useful for finding out what Community Development work is all about. What we need in Wales is a skilled and qualified Community Development Workforce which can work alongside communities to help them tackle local issues and improve their lives. This website guides you through the different accredited and non-accredited learning and training opportunities available to you.

Wellbeing Wales - wants to see better-informed public policy decisions and delivery in Wales that

  • promotes and enhances individual and community wellbeing
  • is measured and assessed in terms of individual and community wellbeing
  • employs the concept of wellbeing to help tackle health, socio-economic and educational inequalities.

Lles Cymru Wellbeing Wales is supported by the Welsh Governments Health Challenge Wales Voluntary Sector Grant.

Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) launched as a Company Ltd by Guarantee and registered Charity in Scotland on the 1st July 2009.  Previously a partnership between the Community Development Foundation (CDF) and the University of Glasgow, SCDC is now a vibrant new charity in its own right with its activities based firmly in Scotland.  Recognised by the Scottish Government as the national lead body for community development and with a track record of eighteen years of activity, SCDC is now set to further establish itself as a centre of excellence for community development nationally.

Scottish Community Development Network (SCDN) is a member led organisation, for community workers/ community development workers, paid or unpaid, full or part time, from the community, voluntary or public sectors, who support the principles and practice of community development. Its activities are currently being revived. SCDN is open to anyone with an interest in community development in Scotland.

Community Development Alliance Scotland (CDAS) brings together networks and organisations at the Scottish level to promote policy and practice that supports community development.

The Transformation Team - part of Faith in Community Scotland works alongside local faith communities as they work together to make a difference in the economically poorest communities in Glasgow. The work of the Transformation Team is co-funded by Faith Groups, Glasgow City Council through the Community Planning Partnership and other stakeholders.

Faith in Community Scotland is an anti-poverty organisation founded in 2005. The board, staff and volunteers are a dynamic team from across the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh communities. They have a huge level of experience within the public, private and voluntary sectors and share a commitment and passion to reducing poverty in Scotland. They provide training, resources, advice and support to faith groups (churches, mosques, gurdwaras, synagogues etc), developing their potential to make a difference in Scotland’s poorest communities.

Federation of Community Development Training (FCDL) is the UK wide membership networking organisation that supports community development through advancing and promoting good quality Community Development learning and practice at local, regional and national levels. FCDL works to provide a network to support the development, evaluation and dissemination of good quality Community Development learning, training and qualification opportunities.

Community Development Foundation (CDF) is a social enterprise that is passionate about helping communities. They say they have unique expertise in using community development to strengthen local voices, improve people’s lives and create better places to live.

National Association of Community & Voluntary Action (NAVCA) is the national voice of local support and development orgainsations in England. They are a charity that champions and strengthens voluntary and community action by supporting its members in their work with over 160,000 local charities and community groups.

NatCAN (National Community Activists' Network) is an online network set up to support and develop activists. It is a place to discuss, debate and support each other and actions.

Community Matters champions voluntary and community action at neighbourhood level, as a means of local people taking control of issues in their area and fostering community spirit.

Locality was formed in April 2011 by the merger of bassac and the Development Trusts Association, two leading networks of community owned and led organisations. The organisation runs a number of programmes including Community Organisers.

International Association for Community Development is the only global network of practitioners and activists working towards social justice through community development approaches. We are a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation with members worldwide.

ABCD Europe is a place to discuss, share and deepen ways to apply the principles and practices of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) and other strengths-based approaches.

Resistance and Renewal: Blog by John Kuhrt

"This site is about the connections between the Christian faith, transformation and social justice. I write mostly in a personal capacity, but my work for the West London Mission with homeless and marginalised people is very relevant. I live in Streatham with my wife Nikki and our three children" John Kuhrt. Click here to get to his blog.

ACTS 435

Acts 435 is an innovative resource available to churches to tackle poverty and help those in need.  As churches find people in their local community with small but significant needs, such as school uniform for the children or a replacement washing machine, they can post them online where donors can give directly and know their gift is making a real difference.  We are looking for more churches to participate; it’s free, simple and effective.  See our website or contact Jennifer Herrera for more details.


A professional body for Christian youth and children's workers in the UK. For churches and organisations which employ youth and children's workers, AMAZE offers a comprehensive advisory service.  Tel. 0121 503 0824.

AVEC Resources

Excellent resources for people working and consulting in church and community.  Tel. 020 8868 0628 / 020 8886 2195.


Working with vulnerable children and young people in the UK. Support for community projects. The CANDL Project in London offers training and consultancy to churches and community groups. Tel. 020 8550 8822.

Building Bridges of Hope (BBH)

An extensive practical exploration of what it means to be a mission-engaged church. A work book & video enables congregations to share insights and reflect on community engagement. Tel. 01787 227979.

Caritas - Social Action

A federation of organisations and individuals within England and Wales who are involved in the relief of poverty; the promotion of social justic; care; and community development.  Tel. 020 7901 4875.

Centre for Youth Ministry (CYM)

Creating and providing training and resources in Christian Youth Work and theology.  Tel. 01793 418336.

Children in Urban Situations (CURBS)

Christian Coalition for Urban Mission (CCFUM)

Church Action on Poverty (CAP)

An ecumenical, educational and campaigning agency committed to tackling poverty in the UK. Excellent resources and forums.  Tel. 0161 236 9321.

Church Army

CA Evangelists seek to make a difference in our communities by sharing the Christian faith through words and action.  Tel. 020 8309 9991.

Church Urban Fund (CUF)

Supporting practical action for justice in disadvantaged and marginalised communities. Grants, publications, training, events and advice.  Tel. 020 7898 1647.

Churches Community Work Alliance (CCWA)

An umbrella organisation for all those who are engaged in church related community work and community development. Excellent briefing papers; newsletters; events; publications; conferences; training directory; and database of church and community projects. A Formal Network of CTBI.  Tel. 0191 334 3346.

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI)

CTBI was set up by the churches so that they could think, pray and work together.  Tel. 020 7654 7254

Cinnamon Network

Community Action Network (CAN)

A mutual learning and support network for social entrepreneurs. Connecting people, unleashing potential and creating change using state of the art technology as a tool for communication.  Tel. 020 7401 5310.

European Contact Group on Industrial Urban Mission (ECG)

An ecumenical network for those involved in social and economic action in 26 European countries, including the CCWA.

Faith-Based Regeneration Network

Conferences, resources & networking for people from faith-based organisations involved with regeneration. Email:  Tel. 020 8947 6160.


The Faithworks Movement is built around 11 leading organisations and exists to empower and inspire every local church to rediscover its role at the hub of community; and to challenge and change the public perception of the church by engaging with both media and government. Many excellent resources.  Tel. 020 7450 9052.

Frontier Youth Trust (FYT)

A Christian network dedicated to advancing the Kingdom of God by supporting, resourcing and training those working with and on behalf of disadvantaged young people. Many excellent resources. Tel. 0121 687 3505.

Housing Justice

The national voice of Christian action in the field of housing. Advice, resources and Homelessness Sunday packs. Tel 020 7723 7273.

Institute for Contemporary Christianity

Offers training, publications and local Impact groups for study and action on local issues. Tel. 0207 9629 3615.

Inter Faith network

The Inter Faith Network for the UK works to build good relations between the communities of all the major faiths in Britain.  Tel. 020 7931 7766.

Livability Community Mission

Working to see communities transformed, by supporting churches to respond to local needs in practical ways. Services include: working in partnership with local churches and organisations; training and events; and a variety of excellent resources, such as practical development tools and booklets.  Tel. 020 7452 2000

Ministry among Asians in Britain (MAB)

Training and advice for churches in cross-cultural work. Tel. 0121 643 7771.

National Estates Churches Network

Resources, events, conferences and network meetings for those living or working on estates.  Tel. 01793 418336.

Regeneration Officer

URC Southern Synod, Peter Southcombe. Tel. 020 8688 3730

Scottish Churches Housing Agency

Brings together the main churches in their work to eliminate homelessness in Scotland. Tel. 0131 477 4500.


An alliance of Christian organisations supporting churches in England as they transform their communities

Shared Interest

An innovative and award-winning financial co-operative that uses the pooled investments of its members in the UK to lend to small producers and fairtrade coops in the developing world. Your opportunity to finance fair trade! Tel. 0191 233 9100.

The Children's Society

A child-centred, social justice organisation with various community projects in the UK. Tel. 0845 300 1128.

The Iona Community

A support and resource for those engaged in ministry, mission and community work. Workshops and worship resources. Tel. 0141 445 4561.

The William Temple Foundation

Research, publications and newsletters about community regeneration from a theological perspective. Tel. 0161 249 2502.


TimeBank is a UK-based national charity that encourages people to volunteer their time and skills for worthy causes in areas such as education, young people, health and the environment.

Toc H

Supporting community action. Renewal, regeneration and rebuilding in local communities with people of all faiths and none. Excellent resources, programmes, centres, volunteer opportunities and community projects. Tel. 01296 642020.

UK Action Tear Fund

Christian Action with the world’s poor. Excellent resources, training, advice, information and grants for church community projects in the UK. Tel. 0845 355 8355.


Some excellent resources and trainers to enable churches to respond to challenges in their neighbourhoods, especially in a ‘non-book’ culture. Tel. 0114 276 2038.

Urban Churches Support Group

Advice, support, networking and training for those working in urban situations.  Tel. 020 8881 7733.

World Vision

One of the world’s leading relief and development agencies. Resources, information and training based on its experience of community development projects around the world.  Tel. 01908 841 000.


Reaching out to young people, families and the community to help people grow in mind, body and spirit. Resources, training, directories and events for youth and community work. Tel. 020 8520 5599.


Our purpose is to support faith groups and voluntary organisations through all aspects of project planning and organisational change holding the concept of zedakah ‘active righteous justice’.

Some other agencies and organisations:

Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE)

A national charity, whose purpose is to support sustainable rural community development. Tel. 01285 653477.

Active Communities Unit

A unit in the Home Office, which aims to promote the development of the voluntary and community sector and encourage people to become actively involved in their communities. Tel. 020 7035 5328.

Age Concern

The UK's largest organisation working with and for older people. Providing vital local services as well as influencing public opinion and government. Tel. 0800 328 0894.

Association of British Credit Unions Ltd

Major information and news site about Credit Unions and the main trade association for credit unions. 0161 832 3694.

Association of Community Workers (ACW)

Publications and an annual conference for people who are active in their communities.Tel. 0191 272 4341.

Association of Independent Credit Unions Ltd

For Credit Unions to express their own individuality and independence, thereby controlling their own destiny. Tel: 01274 652042.


The British Association of Settlements and Social Action Centres is a membership network of multi-purpose community organisations. Tel. 020 7735 1075.

Communities Online

A not-for-profit registered company, which exists to harness the potential of information and communications technology for the benefit of all communities and neighbourhoods.

Communities Scotland

Part of the Scottish Executive, working for housing and regeneration in Scotland. Tel. 0131 313 0044.

Communities that Care

CtC is a long-term, evidence-based community programme that seeks to build safer, healthier and more cohesive communities. 0141 766 0000 (Scotland) 01792 648833 (Wales) 020 7619 0123 (England).

Community and Youth Workers Union (CYWU)

Training, support and a specialist newspaper for play workers, community workers, youth workers and personal advisers. Tel. 0121 244 3344.

Community Development Exchange

Formerly known as the Standing Conference for Community Development (SCCD), CDX is the UK-wide membership organisation for community development. Tel. 0114 272 9890.

Community Development Foundation (CDF)

CDF strengthens communities by ensuring the effective participation of people in the decision-making processes that affect their lives. Some excellent resources and training. Tel. 020 7226 5375.

Community Education Training Unit (CETU)

Offers training, consultancy and support to community workers and groups. Tel. 01422 357394.

Community Links

An independent social action centre in east London and a training unit in Sheffield with an extensive network of community projects. Tel. 020 7473 2270.

Community Mattters

A federation for community associations with 1100 member organisations across the UK. Tel. 020 7837 7887.

Confederation of Indian Organisations

Provides support services, advice and consultancy to South Asian Organisations in the UK. Tel. 020 7928 9889.


Government agency for 13-19 year olds.

Development Education Association

Development education aims to raise awareness and understanding of how global issues affect the everyday lives of individuals, communities and societies and how all of us can and do influence the global. Tel. 020 7490 8108.

Development Trusts Association (DTA)

National body of development trusts. Tel. 0845 458 8336.


Exchange Network for Sustainable Urban Revitalisation Experience is established as an umbrella site to provide a resource guide and forum to urban neighbourhoods considering, planning or implementing revitalisation programmes.

Federation for Community Development Learning (FCDL)

Supports a network of individuals, organisations and groups interested in community development learning and training. Excellent training and newsletter. Tel. 0114 273 9391.

Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens

Community-managed projects working with people, animals and plants. Tel. 0117 9231 800.


A leading environmental regeneration charity working for sustainable development in many of the UK’s poorest communities. Magazine, ideas and advice Tel. 0121 236 8565.

HM Government’s Urban Policy Unit

Learning & Skills Councils (LSC)

Government agency responsible for adult learning.

National Association of Citizens’ Advice Bureaux

Offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice.

National Association of Council for Voluntary Services (NACVS)

Exists to promote voluntary and community action by supporting member CVS and by acting as a national voice for the local voluntary and community sector.  Tel. 0114 278 6636.

National Association of Volunteer Bureaux

The membership association of Volunteer Development Agencies - local voluntary organisations rooted in urban and rural communities.

National Centre for Volunteering

An essential on-line resource for volunteer managers, potential volunteers and anyone seeking up-to-date information about volunteering.  Tel. 020 7520 8900.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)

Works with and for the voluntary sector in England by providing information, advice and support and by representing the views of the sector to government and policy-makers.  Tel. 020 7713 6161.

National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS)

Supporting voluntary and community organisations that work with young people. Tel. 020 7422 8630.

National Institute for Adult & Continuing Education (NIACE)

Advancing the interests of adult learners and potential learners. Tel. 0116 204 4200

National Tenants Resource Centre

A national charity and residential centre dedicated to offering training resources, networking and help packs, for example, community enterprises and LETS schemes, especially for those in disadvantaged areas. Tel. 01244 300246.

National Youth Agency

Supporting those involved with young people's personal and social development. Tel. 0116 285 3700.

Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation

‘Planning for Real’ and other excellent community development tools, training, research and publications. Tel. 0870 7700339.

Neighbourhood Renewal Unit

New Economics Foundation (NEF)

An independent charity and one of the UK’s leading ‘do-tanks’. It aims to put people and the environment back at the centre of economic thinking. Uses many practical participation tools.  Tel. 020 7089 2800.

Partnership at Work

Improving the quality of working lives in voluntary youth, community and play organisations by providing support, advice and training on employment issues to managers and management committees. Tel. 0121 244 5969.


The Standards Setting Body (formerly the National Training Organisation) for the community-based learning and development sector.

People for Action

A national network for housing and regeneration organisations throughout England and Wales, which puts power and influence into the hands of local people and provides training, resources and support.  Tel. 0121 233 9003

The information network for regeneration partnerships. Publications, contact details for Government offices, events and a regeneration magazine.

The on-line guide to what works in neighbourhood renewal. The site include ‘how to’ guides, case studies, project summaries and much more.

Scottish Poverty Alliance

Committed to justice for residents of Scotland's most deprived communities.  Tel. 0141 353 0440.

Social Enterprise Coalition

Social enterprises are businesses distinguished by their social aims, the way they use their surpluses to achieve these aims, and their ownership and management structures.  Tel. 020 7968 4921.

The Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion

Training and advice about issues relating to supporting people into employment. Tel. 020 7582 7221.

The Community Work Forum

The body which involves the different interests in the community development work field to work strategically on training and development needs in the sector.  Tel. 0114 273 9391.


A network for black perspectives in community development learning and training, whose bulletin forms part of the FCDL bulletin.

Urban Forum

An umbrella body for community and voluntary groups with interests in urban and regional policy and regeneration. Tel. 020 7253 4816.

Wales Council for Voluntary Action

Services from information sheets and funding searches to purchasing publications online.  Tel. 029 2043 1700

Welsh Development Agency

The main economic development agency in Wales.

Your own local authority should have a Community Development Officer or equivalent. The different church denominations in your area will also have highly skilled people to consult with (such as community projects officers, social responsibility officers, youth and children’s work officers).

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