Funeral Teas at Fraserburgh URC

Funeral Teas
The provision of light refreshments for a family following a funeral


About 8-10 years ago a group of volunteers within the church began to offer funeral teas for a family following a funeral. Today, the refreshments consist of sandwiches, current loaf, a sausage roll and a choice of tea or coffee. The teas are served in the hall adjoining the church and we can accommodate 120-150 people.


1. Practical

Where did the idea come from? How did it start?
Another local church began offering funeral teas and initially this was seen as a way to both provide a service for the community and raise money for the church.

Who is it for and what needs it is meeting?
For the bereaved family – It enables them to offer cost effective hospitality to mourners who attend the funeral.
For the mourners – provides a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in which to remember the deceased.
For the church – provides an opportunity to offer practical support to people who are mourning while also raising some funds for the church.

What preparation did you do? (research, consultation etc)

What resources did you need (money, people, expertise etc) and how did you find them?
Hall space or another open space where table and chairs can be set out.
Table and chairs and crockery for the maximum number of people you can sit.
Table linen and small table decorations. Disposable food boxes.
Volunteers to make sandwiches, set tables, make tea and coffee, serve at tables and wash-up
Volunteers to put out and clear away tables and chairs
Local baker to provide sausage rolls and current loafs
Money would be required for initial outlay but should be self-funding future.

Who have been your partners in this project?
The Undertakers are partners as all requests for funeral teas come through them.

How did the congregation get on board?

What were the key steps to get from idea to day 1 and how long did it take?

What legislation did you have to deal with?
Health and Safety with regards to food handling – see links below

2. Impact on community

What impact has this project had on the life of the community?
Bereaved families have a non-commercial option for the provision of hospitality.

How has it change the relationship between the church and the community?

3. Impact on the church

How does this project connect with your faith and mission?
Provides volunteers with the opportunity to show care and support to a bereaved family in a very practical way.

How has the life of the church been transformed because of this project?

Additional resources and web links

Contact Details
Robbie McCallum – Email: – Funeral Teas Coordinator.