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Vaccine Rollout Campaign

In this video, Heidi Chow from Global Justice Now talks about why the vaccine rollout around the wrold has been so incredibly unfair: profits, patent laws etc. and what we can do about it... Use this video is a small group, Bible Study or Zoom meeting.

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Jubilee Debt Campaign

A recent online webinar on the impact of debt during a time of COVID-19 was held, and can be viewed here

Book on UN Sustainability goals

The Sustainability Book offers a Christain faith perspective on the UN excellent sustainability goals. Read the book here

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Information for Campaigning on Climate Change, Tax Justice, Gender and Trade


Screenshot 2019 04 02 at 12.10.58Migration

Our partner Global Justice Now has a wonderful programme called 'Stand with Migrants.' They highlight four areas of deep concern when it comes to the major causes of migration: WAR is unjust: EXPLOITATION is unjust; INEQUALITY is unjust; CLIMATE DISRUPTION is unjust. To obtain either a physical or online poster, please contact us.









Complete an online survey about how you are caring for God’s earth in different areas of church life. The answers you provides will allow you to collect points towards an Eco Church Award – the more your church does, the more points you get! The survey takes you through five key areas of church life:

Worship and teaching
Management of church buildings
Management of church land
Community and global engagement

You can save your survey responses at any point and return to update them as your church completes additional actions.


Christian Aid Report on genderOf the same flesh: exploring a theology of gender written by Susan Durber


TTIP (Transatlantic trade and investment partnership) European Action. The Trade Justice Movement is now supporting the campaign against TTIP. TTIP will install global trade rules that threaten public services in the UK and give companies the power to sue states. It will also lock in global trade rules that make it harder for the developing world to ‘catch up’ #No TTIP Times and action cards are available from Matthew Bramall, Global Justice now – formally World Development Movement (0207 8204934)


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