Virtual funerals - liturgies and words for our digital world

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Virtual Funerals Guide

A free guide to help churches and church organisations understand virtual funerals.

How this guide can help 

This is not intended to be a definitive collection of resources, but will hopefully give you a starting place with words and ideas that could be useful for you, or to pass on to family members. Please tailor to the needs of your situation.

The guide is split into six helpful parts: 

1 Liturgical resources for worship leaders to use

1.1 For use by family and friends in their own homes

1.2 Liturgy to be led by a worship leader online or over the phone

2 Useful advice to be passed on to relatives

3 Prayers and Poems for worship leaders which can also be passed on to relatives and friends to say on their own at home

4 Other sources of information that may be useful in thinking about the wider implications of the Covid-19 pandemic

5 What people have done, three short services and a reflection following a virtual funeral

6 Useful links

April 2020


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